Join the PTA Board

Why join the PTA Board?

  • Receive first hand (and often advance) knowledge about important issues impacting our school
  • Get the opportunity to form close relationships with staff, teachers and other parent volunteers
  • Lend your voice to carrying out the PTA’s mission to advocate for all students
  • A board position can also help expand your personal and professional network, grow your leadership skills, and build your resume (particularly useful for parents transitioning back to work after an extended absence).
  • The hours are flexible, most duties can be performed remotely, and you don’t need to have any specific skills – just a positive attitude and a willingness to learn.
  • New officers are provided with comprehensive training and resources, plus will have an established team of returning board members to provide guidance and support.

Elected Board Positions

Leads the school PTA toward specific goals determined by Executive Board, oversees and provides guidance for all PTA board members, committees, activities and PTA calendar.  The President ensures adherence to PTA bylaws & procedures, and is the official school PTA spokesperson and representative. This position can be filled by two people co-chairing the position. 

Regular Tasks:

  • Develop and communicate monthly board and (general meetings) agendas and preside over all meetings.
  • Member of all committees, and can attend any or all meetings as seems helpful.
  • Meet regularly (typically every other week) with principal “to share information on current events/problems involving the school and oversee effectiveness of PTA projects.
  • Maintain positive relationship with principal, teachers, parents and community.
  • Ideally, attend Building Leadership Team (BLT) meetings as representative for PTA.  Another PTA Executive Board Member can fill this role.
  • Monitor/ attend or send a representative to relevant meetings, Seattle PTSA, school board & school board director meetings
  • Monitor all committees, support Chair positions and volunteers.
  • Continuous budget management with Treasurer, Principal and Fundraising chair throughout the year, attend budget work sessions 
  • Co-sign all checks and signs authorizations and binding agreements
  • Be available to attend and speak at various school functions – New Student and Kindergarten Orientations, Open Houses, and first day of school assembly, etc.
  • Makes appointments to positions & committees as designated in the standing rules, with the approval of the executive committee, for a term of one year. 
  • Disseminates and communicates all information pertinent to PTA programs including summer mailings and any PTA-sponsored enrichment programs, fundraising, important dates, etc. 
  • Maintain records, notes, procedures for transfer to successor. Mentor PTA president successor as needed (changes in VP role and possible changes including Past President)

A Successful President will:

  • Commit to “making every child’s potential a reality” by being a powerful voice for ALL children, a relevant resource for families and communities and a strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child.
  • Provide leadership
  • Have solid financial acumen
  • Delegate and follow-through
  • Be willing to have open and transparent communication 
  • Create an environment of mutual respect in which everyone feels free to participate fully in discussing issues and making decisions
  • Put the goals of the organization first.
  • Actively seek and make use of the special interests and abilities of members.

The Vice President will be in training for all the tasks above, executing them for the President if the need arises.  By committing to running for Vice President, the Vice President is making a commitment to the Board of two years- one as VP, then they are re-elected as President for one year.  The Vice President shall perform the duties of president in the absence or inability of that officer to serve and shall assist the president when called upon.  This position can be filled by two people co-chairing the position. 

General Responsibilities:

  • The Vice President should work closely with the President to determine an appropriate division of “presidential labor” and shadowing opportunities. This structure is still evolving so there’s lots of flexibility.
  • The Vice President should attend all Board and General Meetings in order to become familiar with our PTA’s work.
  • The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to serve, and shall assist the president when called upon.
  • Currently, the Vice President plays a key role on the PTA Budget Committee in order to learn more about the PTA Budget that will be in place when they assume the role of President in the coming school year.

The PTA Fundraising Chair visualizes the strategies and manages the efforts to fundraise the money that will support the goals and needs of the Genesee Hill PTA.  This is an elected position and the Fundraising Chair serves on the PTA Executive Committee and the PTA Board.  The fundraising chair will manage and monitor all fundraising activities.  They will be the liaison between the PTA board and individual fundraising committee chairs (Auction, Dine-Outs,  Fox Boxes, Move-a-Thon, Direct Give, Supply Drive, and Shop for Genesee Hill).  Fundraising chair primary responsibilities include communicating and marketing all fundraising activities, goals and where YTD achievements to the general school community.  Another focus of the Chair is advertising events and creating excitement around activities. 

Treasurer responsibilities include reconciling bank accounts and on a monthly basis using Quickbooks and Excel, issuing payments and reimbursement checks as needed, filing non-profit tax forms with the IRS and the State, communicating with the Asst Treasurer to record deposits for fundraisers, field trips, etc., giving budget updates in board and general membership meetings, chairing the PTA Budget Committee in the spring, and preparing the Proposed Budget for the following school year.  Treasurer attends all PTA board and general meetings.

The secretary attends and takes minutes and records all business transacted at each meeting (board & general) making sure all minutes are complete, handles attendance at meetings and prepares minutes for approval at the next meetings. Together with the president, plan the meeting agendas. Secretary also issues all notices of meetings and conducts correspondence as the board may request. Secretary keeps copies of legal document notebooks and permanent record files.

Appointed Board Positions

This role makes sure every committee, fundraiser, and event has a chairperson, that the chairperson is aware of his or her responsibilities, and that there are enough volunteers to help.  It connects all parents who wish to volunteer to specific events, fundraisers, and committees to appropriate chairpersons and ensures inclusion in event/committee communication.  The volunteer coordinator sorts through all the volunteer request sheets each parent fills out in the beginning of the year, cross-referencing them with the volunteer sheets posted in the school hallway, and providing a final list of all volunteers to each chairperson.   The volunteer coordinator may also need to independently recruit more volunteers and/or chairpersons for some events, fundraisers, or committees.

The Communications Chair (or Chairs) assists in sharing information to our community through various communications channels. They manage the PTA website, blog, and Facebook account and assemble content for the weekly school bulletin and monthly PTA newsletter. This may include writing content, editing content from others, creating graphics, and editing photos. Being well-organized is key for meeting deadlines and responsiveness is key for having the most current information to share. Communications Chairs should keep in mind how to create inclusive communications that reach as many community members as possible. This role works great with two co-chairs.

The Cohort Coordinator will:

  • Act as liaison between PTA Board, school leadership, and Cohort Leaders
  • Maintain Roster of Cohort Leaders (many continue in their roles year to year)
  • Hold Kick-off Meeting with Cohort Leaders in early Fall (can adapt previous years’ slideshow and notes)
  • Take ownership of the Cohort Gmail Alias (read and respond to emails regularly)
  • Maintain Cohort Google Groups mailing lists
  • Add Cohort events to PTA calendar 
  • Work with Communications Team to ensure Cohort Events are advertised in newsletters and bulletins 
  • Help with set up of incoming Kindergarten Cohort Facebook Group and Google Group mailing list
  • Support Cohort Leaders in the planning of Cohort Events

The Equity Chair serves on the PTA board and is charged with championing equity and inclusion initiatives within Genesee Hill Elementary and neighboring communities. The Equity Chair will partner with staff, PTA, and families, and advocate for initiatives that make Genesee Hill a place where all are welcome, difference is valued, and every student has access to the same opportunities regardless of race, income, gender, ability, religion, ethnicity and more. 

The Equity Chair will:

  • Attend PTA general membership and board meetings, provide updates regarding equity issues and vote at board meetings
  • Inform PTA decision-making processes by providing an equity and inclusion-based lens 
  • Facilitate strong, collaborative partnerships and ensure regular communication between the school administration, the Genesee Hill Equity Leadership Team, the PTA, and the Family Committee for Equity and Inclusion
  • Identify high-impact opportunities for the PTA to allocate appropriate time and resources to meet equity and inclusion goals
  • Liaise between Equity Committees and PTA in communicating planning and goals for events such as Unity Night, Speaker Series and Talking Circles
  • Share updates on equity issues with the Communications Chair for posting on the PTA blog, bulletin section and Facebook
  • Collaborate with neighboring schools to support initiatives that promote equity in education 
  • Support the Genesee Hill Equity Leadership Team (staff) and Family Committee for Equity and Inclusion (families)
  • Plan and host Family Committee meetings

The Legislative and Advocacy Chair is responsible for staying informed about important legislative issues related to public schools, for contacting legislators and representatives regarding pending issues, and for keeping the school community aware of pending legislation and of opportunities for community input.  The legislative chair also attends the annual two-day statewide PTA Legislative Assembly in the fall and votes on the top priorities for the state PTA’s legislative committee to pursue.  The legislative liaison may also attend and report on other Seattle PTA meetings and events. Legislative Liaison attends all PTA board and general meetings.

The Genesee Hill PTA Legislative Chair will inform the parent community with regards to state law making, city actions, and PTA advocacy. Examples of advocacy can be connected to racial equity and special education. This is an appointed position, and the Legislative Chair serves on the PTA Board and will be integral in decision making and fiduciary responsibilities.

The Legislative Chair will:

  • Advocate for public schools.
  • Stay informed on legislative actions regarding education and education funding at the state and regional levels.
  • Stay informed on Washington State PTSA advocacy, goals, and legislation. 
  • Stay connected to the Seattle Council PTSA, which often works in conjunction with the WSPTSA and the Seattle School District. 
  • Communicate to the Genesee Hill school community about state legislation vis-à-vis PTA advocacy and give them concrete ways to engage in the legislative process.   
  • Attend at least one training session offered by the WSPTSA during the year.
  • Act as main point of contact for legislative questions from various audiences inside and outside Genesee Hill Elementary School.
  • Organize speakers to speak about legislative issues at PTA meetings or other events.
  • Create a cohesive communication plan utilizing PTA and school-approved communication mediums, like bulletins, blogs, or social media to reach general members and GH families.
  • Look for opportunities to collaborate with other SPS PTAs in advocacy work. 
  • Attend monthly PTA Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings; provide updates regarding membership enrollment numbers, recruitment plans, etc.
  • Attend/participate in a training offered by the Washington State PTA.
  • Be familiar with the Washington State PTA Membership Handbook found under Resources on the Washington State PTA website.
  • Assist in identifying activity and committee leads for those activities under your area of responsibility.
  • Provide weekly and/or monthly newsletter items to keep membership informed of your area of responsibility (i.e. membership count, news, etc.).
  • Complete Committee Plan of Action Forms for any programs, activities or events to be presented at board meetings, preferably one month prior.
  • Ensure each activity chairperson/volunteer is trained for his/her specific area of responsibility and has whatever resources needs to work effectively.
  • Provide either written or oral reports/progress updates of all committees at Board and General Membership Meetings, as necessary.
  • Seek out grants, as needed, for your area of responsibility.
  • Oversee and coordinate hospitality at all PTA General Membership Meetings and other functions, as necessary (i.e. Curriculum Night, Monster Mash, Family Game Night, Science Night/Math Night).
  • Coordinate ongoing and yearlong membership drive. Have a booth or table at all events (especially Sep-Dec).
  • Coordinate Kinder Cohort Leads to have PTA membership representation at Kinder Summer Play Dates before the school year begins.
  • Work with the president to help support Kindergarten Tours/Open Houses in January and February.
  • Accept and track all membership forms and dues. Verify state invoices and submit to treasurer for timely payment.
  • Maintain Genesee Hill PTA membership list, provide to nominating committee and treasurer.
  • Verify PTA membership for patrons who pay PTA member price at social events.
  • Check folder at school at least once a week.
  • Send any social media posts on behalf of the PTA to communications.
  • Upload all pertinent documents to OneDrive by June 30.
  • Meet with replacement for following year (if applicable) by June 30 for training.

The Events Chair will represent committee chairs of PTA events, especially to the Board.  The Events Chair may also be a committee chair for one or more events.  The Events Chair will develop knowledge around event planning, advertising, space use and permitting, food handling, budgeting, volunteer management, and money handling, that will be specific to Genesee Hill and will help committee chairs in these areas.  The Events Chair will bring concerns from committee chairs to the Board for resolution and recommendation and will facilitate budget planning during the spring.  As committee chairs resign, the Events Chair will be instrumental in finding and supporting replacements.

Each position serves a term of one year, from July 1 until June 30th.  All board members are expected to attend the monthly Board Meetings, the General Membership Meetings, and any additional Executive Meetings that may be called.  Executive Committee members will also be expected to attend PTA trainings, as recommended by the Washington State PTA.  Executive Committee members are requested to attend PTA events where it will be important to have PTA representation. One person cannot serve in the same elected position on the Board for more than 2 terms. The Genesee Hill PTA Board is made up of the Executive Committee, the Principal, and one teacher.