
The We Belong at Genesee Hill Direct Give Campaign takes place October 25 – November 30.
Donate now to secure your GHE Pride yard/window sign! Don’t forget about Corporate Matching!
Our community thrives when everyone participates. Direct Give helps us to be a more inclusive and equitable school where every student and family is valued and supported.
2023/2024 GHE Fundraising Need:
$150,000 (approximately $300 per student)

This year’s Direct Give Campaign supports:

  • Reading Interventionist at GHE
  • Math Interventionist at GHE
  • CHAMPSS (Connection Heart Advocate Mentor Proactive for Student Success i.e., Parent Tutors & Recess Support)
  • Community Building, Equity & Diversity Efforts and Events at GHE
  •  Opportunity Grants for Students & Teachers at GHE
  • Need-Based Scholarships at GHE
  • Teacher & Staff Appreciation at GHE
  • West Seattle Equity Fund Benefiting the Broader WS Community

*Budget approved by PTA Membership in Spring 2023. This list is not exhaustive.

Will there be other opportunities to give this year? Yes!

  • Adults-only evening event (early spring)
  • Move-A-Thon or similar student-led event (late sprint)
Contact Katy Richey, Fundraising Chair,
Swag for Sale

Buying swag can also support the PTA!  Check out our Genesee Hill store and pick up swag for the whole family, complete with our new school logo. A portion of each sale goes to the PTA, so you can show your fox pride while funding essential school programs!

And please remember that the Genesee Hill Elementary School PTA is a nonprofit 501(c)(3), and all gifts are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.  Our Tax ID is 91-1252753.

Thank you for supporting our students