Direct Give

The We Belong at Genesee Hill Direct Give Campaign takes place October 25 – November 30.
Donate now to secure your GHE Pride yard/window sign! Don’t forget about Corporate Matching!
Our community thrives when everyone participates. Direct Give helps us to be a more inclusive and equitable school where every student and family is valued and supported.
2023/2024 GHE Fundraising Need:
$150,000 (approximately $300 per student)

This year’s Direct Give Campaign supports:

  • Reading Interventionist at GHE
  • Math Interventionist at GHE
  • CHAMPSS (Connection Heart Advocate Mentor Proactive for Student Success i.e., Parent Tutors & Recess Support)
  • Community Building, Equity & Diversity Efforts and Events at GHE
  •  Opportunity Grants for Students & Teachers at GHE
  • Need-Based Scholarships at GHE
  • Teacher & Staff Appreciation at GHE
  • West Seattle Equity Fund Benefiting the Broader WS Community

*Budget approved by PTA Membership in Spring 2023. This list is not exhaustive.

Will there be other opportunities to give this year? Yes!

  • Adults-only evening event (early spring)
  • Move-A-Thon or similar student-led event (late sprint)
Contact Katy Richey, Fundraising Chair,

Please contact with questions.

All donations are 100% tax deductible. Our Tax ID is 91-1252753. Thank you for supporting our students!

Do you know if your employer matches donations? Don’t miss this opportunity? Learn more about Corporate Matching.