Cohort Corner

Want to help plan events for your grade level and get to know some amazing people? Being a cohort leader is a great way to bring families together within your grade — and make our big school feel small. Please email for more information.

cohort activity is a social, service, or educational event meant to connect families within a grade level.  The PTA understands that a strong school community where people know each other and feel connected helps maintain a culture of collaboration, respect, and volunteer teamwork.

Cohort events are meant to give families a chance to spend time together and extend conversations beyond drop-off and pick-up times.  Some of these are with the entire family, and some are adults-only.

To help with community and information sharing, we have set up private Facebook groups for families in each cohort. This is another place for conversation regarding anything related to our school or cohort. Only parents/caregivers in your grade can join the Facebook group and we have some verification questions to get pre-approval into the group. Use the links below to join.

Cohort Leaders will also email you with updates regularly. If you aren’t getting emails from your cohort about events, please email to join the email list for your grade. INCLUDE THE GRADE of your child/children, and we’ll get you set up to receive invitations to lots of fun events.

FB Group Link

Cohort Leaders

Dayra Haugo, Emily Lesnak, Kelly McKean, Dana Peixotto, and Kista Yuhas

Heather Alvarez, Lauren Bartkus, Katie Byron, Katrina Higgason, Kristin Lauver, Rebecca Webber, and  Whitney Winn

Kristi Burress, Jodi Lansky, and Jen Scherer

Stacy Day, Dayra Haugo, Shelly Pfeifle, and Jennifer Weiss

Amanda Baker, Kati Baker, Laura Close, and Cameron Findlay

Carla Gawthrop, Vicky Hansen, Neomi Van Horn, Laura Jewett,  Krista Staudacher, and Heather Thimsen