Category Archives: Survey

2021 End-of-Year Survey Summary

What were the results of the June 2021 PTA Community Survey?

First of all, thank you so much to the 98 Genesee community members who took the time to respond to the survey!  We can feel more confident that these results represent our community because so many responded.  And though the majority of the respondents were PTA members, 33% were not (or not sure), so we got a wider range of feedback.  Here’s a quick look at who filled out the survey:

These are the top three responses for the main multiple choice questions:

What do you view as the most important work of the Genesee Hill PTA?
98 Total Responses# responses% responses
Advocating for students and families6869.40%
Supporting teachers and school staff6566.30%
Promoting equity and inclusion6364.30%
Which PTA events and programs were most enjoyed by or important to you this year?
93 Total Responses# responses% responses
Teacher/Staff Appreciation6064.50%
Black Lives Matter at School Week Activities4447.30%
Unity Night4144.10%
Which traditional PTA events or programs did you miss the most this year?
91 Total Responses# responses% responses
Monster Mash4448.40%
Cohort Events4145.10%

If you’d like to see the full list of responses, please visit this spreadsheet.

The answers to the question “What ideas do you have for PTA events and programs that you’d like to see? Or not see? Or change?” are more challenging to summarize because the responses were so rich, creative, and plentiful.  But some things stood out.  Though most answers were one-off ideas, 19% of the responses asked for our PTA to fundshift some PTA-raised funds to other schools with smaller PTAs.  And 17% of the responses asked for more community building from the PTA. The other responses held similarly big picture ideas for fundraising, events, and programs, some of which we’ll pass on to Genesee teachers, staff, and administration, while others will be worked on within the PTA.

As for the question “What can the PTA do to better represent you and engage you?” the most common answer called on the board to ask the community for more input. The other answers were wonderful ideas around meetings, events, communication, equity and advocacy, which have been shared with all PTA board members.

As for the question around communications, we heard loud and clear that folks prefer this newsletter to be embedded in email, so here it is!  Please see this month’s president’s letter in the September Newsletter to read more about how the PTA board is using the survey data.