This is a Call to Action to Share Your Singapore Math Story This is a critical time to voice your personal support for Singapore – Math in Focus to the Seattle School Board. Schmitz Park Elementary staff, teachers, parents, and the PTA board all agree that a Singapore Math program is the best possible curriculum for our kids—and over the last 7 years our kids math scores prove it. Please contact the School Board and tell them why you believe Singapore

Early Release Art Wizards Camp June 4

Posted by Genesee Hill PTA on  May 29, 2014
Category: Enrichment
Wednesday, June 4th is an Early Release Day and we will be offering Art Wizards camp from 1pm – 3pm. The cost is $25 per child. Click here for a registration form or hard copies can be found in the front office. All grades are welcome! The class is limited, so please sign up early! Forms must be received no later than June 2nd.  Turn in to the front office. Any questions please contact Jennifer Schill at

Golden Acorn – Nominate a Volunteer

Posted by Genesee Hill PTA on  May 29, 2014
Category: Uncategorized
Do you know someone who is an amazing volunteer? Someone who, whether it be quietly, or out in front of everyone, gives all they have to give to Schmitz Park Elementary School? Here is your opportunity to recognize them. The Golden Acorn is an award that is presented through the PTA to someone who is chosen by the families and staff of the school where they volunteer. Your nominations will be reviewed by a committee
The PTA was unanimous that Schmitz Park continues our Singapore Math program and not change math curriculum this September. Whether that will be an option is unknown. Members of the School Board, families and our own staff are in favor of allowing schools like Schmitz Park to keep their Singapore Math-based curriculum. But is that enough? Attend a critical community meeting with Marty McClaren on Saturday May 31st 10AM-12PM at Southwest Branch Seattle Public Library,

Annual Volunteer Breakfast June 6!

Posted by Genesee Hill PTA on  May 28, 2014
Category: Uncategorized
    You are invited!  Please join the teachers and staff at 7:30 on June 6th for breakfast, recognition, and prizes. This is a fun event where we get to express our gratitude for all your help, time, and efforts. We will be presenting the Golden Acorn award and honoring all our fantastic volunteers.  Schmitz Park Annual Volunteer Breakfast
As reported in the West Seattle Herald, The Southwest Seattle Historical Society will be unveiling the newly restored totem pole that used to welcome residents and tourists alike at the city’s Belvedere View Point Park. The restored totem pole will now be on display at the Log House Museum at the foot of Schmitz Park. King County Executive Dow Constantine proud Schmitz Park alum The unveiling will be an historic occasion for West Seattle and for

Enrichment Programs Concluding Soon

Posted by Genesee Hill PTA on  May 26, 2014
Category: Uncategorized
AFTER SCHOOL ENRICHMENT CLASSES WILL BE CONCLUDING SOON! Lego iPad Animation class end the week of May 26th. Wednesday afternoon classes also end the week of May 26th, due to early release on Wednesday June 4th. All other classes end the week of June 2nd. EARLY RELEASE CAMP – JUNE 4th Wednesday, June 4th is an Early Release Day and we will be offering Art Wizards camp from 1pm – 3pm. The cost is $25
Did you miss signing up for the teacher experiences at the auction. If so we have some spots left on some awesome events coming up in the near future. Do you like the outdoors? Then this event is for you… Kayaking with Ms.Poole & Ms. Noreng Come join Ms. Poole & Ms. Noreng for an adventure! We will be setting out on the water for a two hour guided kayak tour around Alki led by Alki
The West Seattle Blog showed up for our first ever Science Celebration and posted up a terrific story, including lengthy quotes from our own Christine Morrell, who was the driving force behind the event, and photos of several of the demonstrations. Head on over to the West Seattle Blog for the story, and consider leaving a comment.

Bike Rodeo – sign up to volunteer!

Posted by Genesee Hill PTA on  May 26, 2014
Category: Uncategorized
Yee Haw, it’s time for the Schmitz Park Bike Rodeo! Powered in part by PTA volunteers, the Bike Rodeo is a long running Schmitz Park tradition. This year it runs 12:45 pm to 2:45 pm. The bike rodeo is for students in 1st – 4th grades. We’ve made some big changes this year, our 5th graders will score the bikers performance. So we still need volunteers (just not as many) to: help set-up, supervise the

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