EVERYBODY’S BEING OUTFOXED! Jackson (Grade 2) & Josie (Grade 1) Ambrose, Enzo Wonder (Grade 2), and the High Bidders for the 2015 Auction Gourmet BBQ (O’Claires, Hammerstad’s, Wonder’s and Carl’s) were all recently out-foxed by the clever clan from Schmitz Park. With the first day of school approaching quickly (whoot-whoot) the Fox-capade is picking up speed this week visiting a favorite Schmitz Park destination. Post your student’s guess on our Facebook page,!
It didn’t take a Sign Up Genius to predict that the Fox Family would inhabit the home of Schmitz Park’s Volunteer Coordinator Athena Frederick. William, 2nd grader (…what’s with all the 2nd graders?) found the Foxes early Monday and, in true Schmitz Park form, asked his mom if he could help move the Family to their next destination. Based on William’s choice of Batman Gear, it’s safe to say Mom took him up on his


Posted by Genesee Hill PTA on  August 20, 2015
Category: Uncategorized
FOX FAMILY CONTINUES RACE DOWN 44th AVENUE. 2nd Grader Ben Langley awakes to the Fox Family reenactment of Schmitz Park’s Bike Rodeo. A barrel-clown apprentice himself, Ben joined the scamper of fox feet on his front lawn last week showing his neighbors the Foxes aren’t the only ones with stage show tricks!

What does the fox say?

Posted by Genesee Hill PTA on  August 12, 2015
Category: Uncategorized
Muchas Gracias to Eric & Pam Linxweiler for throwing a fiesta not even the risk of capture could keep the Fox Family away from. As previously reported, the Foxes sought out a meal last Friday evening ultimately joining the Linxweiler’s and guests (aka winning bidders) at the 2015 Auction’s Mexican Feast. Members of the PTA Board met informally yesterday to try to determine if the frequency of habitations was on the decline. It was conclusive


Posted by Genesee Hill PTA on  August 6, 2015
Category: Uncategorized
The Schmitz Park Fox Family was spotted 3 blocks west today inhabiting Alyse & Ryan Hufford’s yard. While the Hufford’s state they saw or heard nothing (that’s why it’s called being Out Foxed), it is presumed the foxes were on the move at some point late Wednesday night when they decided to occupy Kian & Calvin’s front lawn. “I want to keep one!” Calvin Hufford, incoming Schmitz Park 2nd grader, stated upon finding the skulk
 A family of Schmitz Park Foxes ventured out of the reserve early Tuesday morning  in search of expanding their habitat. The Foxes received a tip that former PTA  President Joe Turcotte and First Lady Anita Lavine are strong advocates of the SP  PTA mission to provide little Foxes opportunities to grow, learn and thrive – thus  making their home an ideal place for an expanded den. Occupying the Turcotte-  Lavine Family yard, the foxes drew
We still need a Fundraising Apprentice to work along side Lorie Bennett, Fundraising Chair for the 2015-2016 school year.  Please email if you are interested. And we are also seeking a few volunteers to help audit the 2015-2016 budget. The committee will meet for one afternoon in July. Please contact Michelle Wonder for further details.

Announcing the 2015-2016 PTA Executive Board

Posted by Secretary on  June 10, 2015
Category: Nominations
Thanks to all who came out to the General Meeting on May 28th to vote in next year’s PTA Executive Board!  We thank this past year’s board and welcome the below parent volunteers for donating their time to next year’s board: Robert Kelly – President Kelley O’Connor – Vice President Tara Calvo – Secretary Michelle Wonder – Treasurer Monica Miller – Assistant Treasurer Lorie Bennett – Fundraising Emily Giaquinta & Angela Cough – Legislative Co-Chairs Cheri

Congrats to Golden Acorn Award Recipients

Posted by Secretary on  June 8, 2015
Category: Nominations
We are very fortunate to have such dedicated volunteers!  We awarded this year’s Golden Acorn Award to Emily Wyse, Jodi Bennett, Kara Centioli, and Jane Wainwright during the Volunteer Breakfast on Friday, June 5th.  Congratulations ladies!   Emily Wyse, Jodi Bennett, Kara Centioli, Jane Wainwright

Schmitz Park Volunteer Breakfast

Posted by Secretary on  June 1, 2015
Category: Fun

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