All posts by Genesee Hill PTA

Concerns Over Next Year’s SPS School Budget Cuts

By: Victoria Bhegani, Legislative Chair, GH PTA Board 

On Monday, March 15, Genesee Hill Elementary staff voted to reject the school budget for 2021/22 on the grounds that the allocations from SPS were insufficient. In this proposed budget, the school will lose five FTE (full-time employment) positions in the coming school year. While the school staff did not disagree with how our principal, Gerrit Kischner, had drawn up the budget based on these cuts, they disagreed with the cuts themselves, particularly in light of the current pandemic. Knowing that the pandemic will still be with us when schools open- perhaps for full time in-person instruction in the fall- the staff questioned how cutting 5 FTE positions would affect the health, safety, and academic success of its returning students. The vote to reject the budget is a protest vote with no obvious remediation that could happen, but in taking this action, the staff at Genesee Hill Elementary school took a stand against the inequity of such an extreme budgetary cut at this time. Their decision was supported by our school administrators and the Genesee Elementary PTA Board. 

After the meeting, fourth grade teacher Mick Phelps wrote a letter to the Seattle School Board on behalf of the Genesee Hill Elementary staff. It explains how the current 2021-22 Genesee Hill Elementary school budget does not support students’ physical safety, provide adequate social and emotional supports for students, or equitably address the disparity of students’ remote learning experiences. At the end of the letter, the staff’s key ask is that the budget be amended and that SPS return its previous funding in order to support essential staff functions. Under the current budget, Genesee Hill Elementary, a school of roughly 600 students, will, among other staff cuts, have its nurse go from a 0.6 FTE to a 0.4 FTE, its office support staff, who perform the role of nurse when the nurse is not there, go from 2.0 FTE to 1.0 FTE, its librarian go from 1.0 FTE to 0.5 FTE, and its academic interventionists, who often support the learning needs of the school’s most vulnerable students, go from 3.4 FTE to 1.2 FTE. 

To support our staff’s advocacy, members of the Genesee PTA board sent the letter to the Seattle School Board directors and to the West Seattle Blog for publication. When asked why our PTA leadership took this action, board co-president Michelle Comazzetto said, “Sharing the letter with the West Seattle community will bring more awareness around school funding, and the difficult choices that school leadership has to make because schools are still not properly funded.  We think that the PTA needs to advocate for our staff and teachers, and because they have reached out to us to help them amplify their voices, we would like to help them with this call to action.”

Genesee Hill Elementary is not the only school in Seattle facing budget cuts next year. Neighboring West Seattle schools like Alki Elementary, Gatewood Elementary, and Madison Middle School are also in similar budget straits. In the face of growing awareness about the negative effects the pandemic has had on our children’s mental health and widespread concern that it has widened the learning gap between students- exacerbating already existent racial and socioeconomic disparities- the budgetary situation of public schools in Seattle is troubling. Is this the best we can do for our students and staff after a worldwide pandemic that has radically disrupted children’s lives, leaving many of them more isolated, lonely, and less connected to schools than they were a year ago? 

If you would like to advocate for Seattle Public Schools to have better funded budgets for next year, contact school district leaders. Personal emails are helpful but also please feel free to copy and paste this form below. 

Seattle School Board President Chandra Hampson

Superintendent Denise Juneau 

SPS Chief Financial Officer JoLynn Berge 

  1. SPS should restore 2021-2022 school budgets and when doing so its first priority should be to protect core staff positions (school administrators, counselors, nurses). Core staff supports the successful operation of schools and their roles do not change vis-à-vis student enrollment.
  2. SPS needs to be transparent and accountable about how it is using and plans to use the pandemic recovery money it receives from the state and the federal government. 


Dear __________, 

As Genesee Hill Elementary families, we are gravely concerned about the cuts our and other SPS schools face in their current 2021-22 school budgets. In this time of pandemic, we worry over student and staff safety in school buildings, students’ mental health, and a widening learning gap that exacerbates already existent racial and socioeconomic disparities between students. In this challenging landscape the bleak budgetary outlook for many schools is troubling. That our schools can face these challenges this fall while having their staff winnowed away seems like an impossible ask. Surely our school district can do better for its students and staff and allocate schools with the resources they need to make the next school year a successful one. 

In light of the above reasons, we ask that you take action to restore 2021-2022 SPS school budget allocations and when doing so, prioritize core staff positions (school administrators, counselors, nurses). We also ask that this school district be transparent and accountable about how it uses the pandemic recovery money it receives from the state and federal government. 



Stories of Genesee Hill

During the legislative season PTAs are being asked to collect and tell the stories that are unfolding at our schools. We are especially interested in stories that show how the issues we voted on in the WSPTA Legislative Assembly shape things on the ground. Then Victoria Bhegani, our Legislative Chair, will share these stories with our legislators and out to the Genesee community. First we collected stories about how families and teachers at Genesee Hill are experiencing remote learning. See all the responses here!

Stories of Genesee Hill: Health Supports

In the second installment of Stories of Genesee Hill, we’re collecting stories about how students access medical and mental health supports through school. Like with the last installment, we’d love to hear about challenges, successes or anything else you’d like to share. We will share these responses with legislators and our school community in the hope that this will raise awareness and encourage policymakers to pass legislation that promotes better access to health supports for children across our state.

March GHE PTA Newsletter

Great news! With February being a short month, your wait for the next newsletter is already over. This March edition includes an exclusive interview with the talented Ms. Bronson, a spotlight on PTA Board Nominations detailing how you can help shape the future of the PTA Board, important advocacy initiatives, as well as regular updates for fun community events and happenings. Enjoy!

We also have a new page on our site to house the Newsletter archive. If you have a topic that you would like to see spotlighted in an upcoming newsletter, or have a question you’d like to have addressed, please reach out to

Direct Give Raffle Prizes

When we were brainstorming Direct Give for this school year we were hesitant to approach local businesses because we know many of them have had a financially devastating year due to COVID.  We decided to go for it – but approached them with a different strategy then in years past.  Specifically we:

  • Sought out smaller donation increments. For example, instead of requesting a larger $100 donation, we requested four $25 vouchers with minimum order amount or gift cards. This will hopefully bring more families into their business where they would likely end up spending additional money.
  • Committed to market their business to our school community.  We love being able to highlight local businesses that continue to keep making our West Seattle community so special.

With all that said, we ended up with a tremendous response from our business community.  We hope that you will support these businesses the same way that these businesses are supporting our community. 

Here is the full list of received donations:

A special thank you goes to Neil Strohbusch and Jodi Lansky for doing all of the procurement for these items!

SPS 2021-22 School Year Calendar Approved

September 1 First day of school for 1st – 12th grade students

September 6 Labor Day (no school)

September 7 First day of school for kindergarten, all preschool students

October 8 State In-service Day (no school)

November 11 Veterans Day (no school)

November 22 – 24 Elementary conference days (no school for elementary and K-8 students; varies by school)

November 25 – 26 Thanksgiving break (no school) Thanksgiving and Native American Heritage Day

December 17 1-hour early dismissal (winter break)

December 20, 2021 – January 2, 2022 Winter break (no school)

January 17 Martin Luther King Jr. Day (no school)

January 27 Day Between Semesters (no school)

February 21 – 25 Mid-winter break including Presidents Day (no school)

April 11 – 15 Spring break (no school)

May 30 Memorial Day (no school)

June 17, 2022 Last day of school (1-hour early dismissal)

Learn more here.

Membership Matchup

We’re competing with Alki Elementary to see who can sign up the most new PTA members from Jan. 19 to Feb. 28 (at a 2-to-1 ratio since Genesee has twice as many students).

Remember that memberships need to be renewed each year, so check to make sure yours is current. Spread the word and encourage all your friends to join too! Lastly, scholarships to cover the $15 membership fee are available, just email Rallying together we can secure our community bragging rights and support critical PTA initiatives. 

In honor of the Matchup, our Legislative Chair, Victoria Bhegani, wrote this fun poem!  So get inspired, show your support, and join here today!


There once was a school called Genesee,

that was built on a hill near a very tall tree.

It’s a school that has moxy,

and foxes that are foxy.

It is a wonder to see.


Now Genesee- this awesome school-

is in a race that’s pretty cool.

We need to fill our PTA

with new members without delay.

For on the last of February,

they’ll all be counted, each and every.


Alki school will count theirs too.

And then, when all the counting’s through,

a clear winner will be decided

and poetry will be recited

by the losing school, and so-

if YOU don’t want our fox to go

down to Alki in this state

join the PTA- it’s not too late!


(Also PTA is tops-

and thanks for being

a fantastic fox!)

Virtual Lunch Bunch- Volunteers Needed

Dear Genesee Hill Volunteers,

Our school kicked off a Virtual Lunch Bunch for our students the first week of February. The teachers are seeking ways for kids to connect “outside” of class like you would at a cafeteria table of 6-10 students. We are building as we go with hopes to expand our reach as volunteers sign up. We also hope that when spring arrives and vaccines are further distributed, that we can take this program outside with brown bag lunches, classroom and cohort recess, scavenger hunts, geocaching, etc. I need your help facilitating this idea. Please help recruit too! Please send this to any Genesee Hill Parent or grandparent/caregiver that you think has capacity to help.

Objective: Connect Genesee Hill students, build community while online learning continues.

Who: Caregivers of 4th-5th graders, then 3rd, and eventually open to all grades.

What: You will be doing one of the following: 1) facilitating a breakout room (being the adult in the room to handle inappropriate behavior if need be), 2) “teaching” or helping your student lead a game or craft, or 3) facilitate outdoor activities (brown bag lunch, etc) if and when we can do this

Room size: We aim to have different break out rooms for kids to interact in that can hold 6-15 kids at a time.

Time: Presenters log in their room at 12:05, students enter 12:15-12:45. Start with 2 days a week, build to 3-5 days.

How: We have a calendar on google docs that is updated as new activities are created. Students are sent the calendar by their homeroom teachers each week. Students enter through provided Teams links to the breakout room of their choice. Volunteers are in a room awaiting kids to join. Then they facilitate the activity for 20-30 minutes. The rooms have an array of options. Here are examples:
o Interactive games – Escape Rooms, Minecraft, Among us, Gather.Town, etc
o Discovery – learn about animals or wonders of the world like the Pyramids or White Rhino through book read alouds or fieldtrips to museums and zoos
o Fitness themes – Yoga, Jump rope, Hip Hop dance, Go Noodle
o Enrichment options like crafting, fingerknitting, Genius Hour ideas, etc
o Social connections, connect new students through Kahoot, Gather.Town,etc.

Training: Asynchronous training will be provided to help guide online experience, online safety, teams features (leading teams/zoom meetings, sharing screen and other helpful tips).

Volunteer Commitment: One time, once a week or once a month, it’s up to you!

2/1-5: Roll out calendar with 2-3 options that week to 4th grade.
2/1-28: Build momentum with wide variety of options for all cohorts by last week of February. Continue weekly through school year as needed.

We can’t do this without a team of volunteers who can host the rooms. Maybe you have an idea not listed above? Or go through the below links to see if something appeals to you?

Please go to this volunteer sign up (find the “start here” tab) if you are able to commit to any of the following, and include how often (one time, weekly, monthly, etc) …including if it’s to say you can join us when we roll out to the younger grades.

Have more questions? Check out the Q & A here.
Kelley O’Connor, Room Parent Coordinator,

Check the schedule, Q&A, and sign up here.

February GHE PTA Newsletter

February may be the shortest month, but the February Newsletter is not short on content! Learn about the new and innovative approach to the Direct Give Campaign that includes a generous matching opportunity, yard signs, an engaging scavenger hunt and raffle prizes! Check in on the updated score in the heated Membership Matchup competition that is in full swing between our Genesee Hill community and our Alki Elementary neighbors. Get to know more about our extraordinary office assistant, Valerie. The February Newsletter includes all this and so much more!

We also have a new page on our site to house the Newsletter archive. If you have a topic that you would like to see spotlighted in an upcoming newsletter, or have a question you’d like to have addressed, please reach out to

2021 Direct Give

First off, we are very fortunate to have an amazingly supportive community and we should all be proud of this!  Genesee Hill Elementary parents, staff, and students have proven time and time again that we are all focused on the betterment of and support for each other.  

The PTA and Genesee Hill Administration are tasked with making sure the necessary programs are in place for our kids to be successful.  Many of our in-person programs are not being funded this year and that has drastically reduced the overall PTA budget.  However, we still need to raise an additional $60K of funds to support the programs our kids are benefiting from virtually that unfortunately are not funded by our school district and the State of Washington.  For example: providing school supplies for all students, allowing our staff access to professional development, purchasing library and textbooks, and providing specialists (beyond what the District accounts for) to further support our kids in math, reading, art, and social/emotional health.

To help meet this need we will be running our Direct Give campaign: February 23rd through March 11th.  Here is the plan for this years campaign:

  • Give: Pick an amount that your family is comfortable with then head over to the Direct Give link.

DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT!  During the month of February your donation is generously being matched 1 to 1, dollar for dollar – up to $26,000!  $10 becomes $20.  $100 becomes $200.  $1000 becomes $2000.  Extra special thank you to the Genesee Hill families that contributed to make this opportunity available!

  • Receive a Yard Sign:  With a minimum of a $50 donation, you will receive a yard sign delivered to your doorstep.  There is a spot for your family to be creative and create something fun for kids to find.  Draw, paint, attach something – the sky is the limit!  Once done, put the sign out in your yard for Genesee Hill kids to discover.

  • Get Entered into a Raffle:  We are hosting three raffles every Friday throughout the campaign.  Think: gift cards and coupons to local restaurants, bottles of wine, etc.  Give early to increase your chances of winning.  Raffle winners will be posted each Friday on our PTA Facebook page.

  • Participate in the Scavenger Hunt: All Genesee Hill kids are invited to look for Yard Signs as they pop up in the neighborhood.  See this blog post for more details!

Share in the fun at #ghedirectgive

Note:  Yard signs are available for the first 300 families who donate or up until Thursday, March 11th.  All yard signs and any raffle winnings will be delivered to the local West Seattle address provided at time of donation in the Kindful link.