All posts by Genesee Hill PTA

Help Your Cohort Create an Amazing Auction Package

Your cohort is raising money for an amazing auction package, and the deadline is Friday, March 21! These are big items that will raise big dollars for the school – please help by donating via the PayPal link your cohort provided or by bringing a check or cash to the school office (be sure to put it in an envelope with your grade level on it). If each family can donate $30, we’ll be able to offer some irresistible auction packages!

Auction Tickets Selling Out

The annual auction is coming up on April 5, and tickets are going fast. There are only a handful left, so get yours today! This parent-led event supports critical programs that benefit every child at Schmitz Park, so please join us for a fun-filled evening. Questions?

Donations Accepted

Your 2013 Donations are Tax Deductible

Your 2013 Tax Deductions
As an incorporated Washington State non profit, donations to the Schmitz Park PTA are tax deductible. This is good news, especially at this time of year when April is fast approaching. However, this does not mean that all funds received by the PTA are tax deductible. For example, your PTA membership is not tax deductible as you get something for your funds ie you get membership into the PTA. The same would be true for a Movie Night event or participating in the After School Enrichment program. Funds that are tax deductible include donations to the One Campaign, Move-a-Thon, and portions of the Auction. Let me describe further.

One Campaign
This is our first call to action of the school year, and the one that best helps the students, teachers, and staff at Schmitz Park Elementary. Our goal is to raise $30,000 in the One Campaign, and yet it only costs of $200 to advertise, leaving over 99% of those donations to help the school directly. All donations to the One Campaign are 100% tax deductible, and are included in the letter that we sent to families. Most of these donations come to us electronically through PayPal, and are easy to track.

This is fun Fall event where we get the kids outside running laps and raising funds. The classes that earned the most also got a popsicle party, which is often all the incentive elementary school students need (I’m not sure I like this sentence). Several area businesses sponsor this event, and the kids wear their shirts with pride throughout the year. Like the One Campaign, 100% of your donations are tax deductible, and are included in the letter we sent to families. Unlike the One Campaign, very few of these donations come electronically. We have a committee of dedicated parents who count up all the loose change, checks, and IOUs and report the totals to the PTA. Please note that IOUs are unfortunately not tax deductible. The Feds are sticklers about that.

Each year, roughly 20% of the Schmitz Park community gathers for a fun filled evening of merriment and running up their credit cards to support our children. We run this event through a separate financial program designed to be used with auctions. Each attendee receives an email after the auction detailing out the amount of money donated, and how much is deductible. This can be quite challenging to calculate. The admission ticket is not deductible, as you get dinner and entertainment for those dollars. Additionally, money spend on drinks, LED Martini glasses, and raffles is also not deductible, as you “get something” for those purchases.When you participate in Raise the Paddle or the desert dash, those are considered “donations” and fully deductible.

If you were lucky enough to win an item, only the amount you paid above the value of the gift is deductible. Let’s say you purchased a brand new copy of Microsoft Office, retail value $250, for $75. That is a great deal! Of course, the $75 does go to help the PTA, but is not considered tax deductible. Had you run up that auction to $350, though, then the extra $100 would be deductible. Do you see how that works? Our auction software calculates this number for us, and sends the details to the attendees directly. This information is not included in the letter we sent. Therefore, if you were one of the 20% attending the auction, who also donated to the One Campaign / Move-a-thon, you will have two notices from the Schmitz Park PTA.

A few final thoughts
We don’t yet have a system where we know who is married to whom, who is filing their taxes jointly, etc. If you and your partner each made donations to the school, it is possible that you will be receiving two letters from us.

I hope this helps clarify what is, and isn’t, included in the tax letters you received. If you have any questions, please email our Vice President, Joe Turcotte.

-Ed Hansen

Washington State Common Core Standards

PTA Meeting: Common Core is the Theme

Come join us Thursday, February 27th at 6:30pm for our monthly PTA Meeting where we still start promptly to cover Common Core Standards and then move on to our regular PTA agenda.

Some of the Hot Topics include:

  • What are the Common Core State Standards?
  • Why do we need them?
  • How will they impact my child’s education?
  • Why are they only focused on math and Language Arts?
  • Will it change the way teachers teach?
  • How will students be assessed?

We are lucky to have guest speakers including:

  • Ms. Cochran, Math specialist
  • Ms. Veling, First Grade teacher
  • Ms. Addington-Ferris, Fourth grade teacher
  • Ms. Minkin, Assistant Principal

More information on Common Core Standards.

Live and Silent Auction Items Needed!

Items are needed for our annual Auction on April 5!  The auction’s success depends on great items for bidding. We’ve received excellent support from local businesses, but donations from families are needed, too. Items that you can’t buy in a store and are truly an experience have been the best sellers in past years – from sports tickets, dinners hosted at homes of Schmitz Park families and sailing excursions to vacation rentals. You can contribute individually or as a group. Get creative and donate something as a group of friends or as a Cohort. Donate from your field of expertise (e.g. haircuts, massages, painting a room, technical services).

We’re trying something new this year, there will be no Class Projects. So if you have something to donate, please complete the Auction Donation Form. Simply download the form, open it in Acrobat, fill it out, and click the “Submit” button (located in the upper right corner of the form). An electronic copy will automatically go to our database. We’ve also included a “Wish List” or ideas of things to donate.

Auction Donation Form
Auction Donation Ideas “Wish List”

Please submit your donations by Thursday, March 13.

Check our PTA Blog for constant updates on the Auction, school and our community! Questions, contact Pam Linxweiler at

SAVE THE DATE – Auction, Saturday, April 5, 2014!

It’s time for our biggest fundraiser of the year, the school’s annual auction, dinner, and dance! “Mardi Gras” is this year’s theme so start thinking about your costumes now. The evening raises funds to support every Schmitz Park kiddo and vital school programs. It is truly a night to remember and so much fun. Invitations will be emailed Monday, February 24th! Questions? Send an email to

Enrichment Programs Still Available

After School Enrichment Opportunities and Early Dismissal Camps are Still Available

Schmitz Park Enrichment ProgramsEarly Dismissal Camps – Art Wizards and Jump Rope are being offered to families for January 15th. More information about the Art Wizards class is here.

To register, download and fill out the registration form, or pick up a paper copy in the office. Because of the quick turnaround, registrations will processed as received and confirmations will be available as quickly as possible upon receipt.

Beginning Guitar on Tuesdays – We have room for students of any age in our Beginning Guitar class on Tuesdays. Please contact Fiona if you are interested and send in the registration form to the office.

5th Grade STEM Class Opportunity – 5th grade classes will be receiving information about a special STEM class being offered in partnership with Boeing. The registration form is linked here, being sent home via email, or you can find it on the Before/After School web page.

Don’t forget to check out our Before/After School Page on the Schmitz Park website for forms, update and contact information, and classes calendar.

Give Back Campaign Gains Momentum

Schmitz Park PTA President, Jeff Rayner, recently spoke with the West Seattle Blog on our PTA objectives for shopping locally this year, and explained how the Give Back Campaign is helping to make that objective a reality. An excerpt from the article:

Jeff Rayner, Schmitz Park PTA PresidentThat’s why Schmitz Park has started a new program called “Give Back”.  The purpose of Give Back is simple — support the businesses through organized patronage. They don’t need to lift a finger except to ring the cash register. Schmitz Park has more than 600 students, which means there are more than 1200 parents we can mobilize.

In December, our goal is to shop at as many local stores as we can. In January, we’ll patronize health and fitness businesses in honor of New Year’s resolutions. Every month will bring one or more themes.

If these businesses support our school down the road — great. If not, others will. What goes around comes around. The stronger West Seattle businesses, the stronger West Seattle schools.

Check out the full article here.