All posts by Genesee Hill PTA

FUNDRAISING: it’s not too late to donate

We are excited to say that we have surpassed our fundraising goal of $187,000. It was because of YOU the school has the much needed supplies and support to help our children become successful in academics and in the community.

It takes a village to raise a child, and we are THAT village.  – Nazleen, Fundraising Chair


However, as we look forward to next school year, there are changes ahead. Those changes will depend on HOW we act now.  As you know, our math curriculum is in jeopardy as The Seattle Public Schools Math Adoption Committee has recommended enVision Math for all Seattle schools.  We may need to fund our math program once again, which adds a potential $80,000 to next year’s fundraising budget that was not accounted for in in this year’s.

In order to continue and upgrade a math program that has not only enriched our children’s education, but will provide our teachers with valuable tools not previously available to them via Singapore Math, we need to have 100% participation in the One Campaign from our parent community.
Many families have given already, however we have a few in each class that have yet to do so.  Our goal was $320 per child but whatever amount is greatly appreciated and will help to offset the costs and fundraising budget for next year. Thank you to all the families who have generously supported and believed in Schmitz Park. Your financial support, whatever the amount, is greatly appreciated.  
Please contact with questions regarding donating to Schmitz Park. Click here to make a gift online

Important decisions made at May 15th PTA meeting

Thanks to the many members who attended Thursday night’s important member meeting or provided helpful input in advance on the historic decisions to be made! The full set of minutes will be ready soon, but as these decisions will affect us all and there is important work to be done, we thought a topline summary would be in order.
Math curriculum: As previously posted, after six years of investment in Singapore Math by Schmitz Park faculty, students, and parents, we are on the verge of having to adopt a different math curriculum, enVisionMath; a curriculum that many see as a step backward for our students.  By unanimous vote, the members at the meeting adopted a resolution calling on the School Board to protect and support our investment in Singapore Math.  
We also agreed to request the school board directors to consider the following alternatives:

  1. Reject the Math Adoption Committee’s recommendation of enVision and adopt Math in Focus as the new K-5 Math Curriculum.
  2. Approve a Dual-Adoption giving schools the choice to implement enVision – OR – Math in Focus
  3. Amend Policy No. 2020 on the Waiver of Basic Instructional Materials to allow Schmitz Park and other schools using, or desiring to use, a Singapore Math-based curriculum like Math in Focus to ensure funding will be provided from the district to support an approved alternative math curriculum.
PS as you can see, we are suggesting that SchmitzPark adopt Math in Focus, not Singapore Math.  However, MiF is a Singapore based Math program, merely tweaked to the American system, aligned with Common Core Standards, and with refreshed teaching and learning materials.
Budget: The members energetically discussed the budget proposal (posted previously here). One change was adopted to increase the contingency funding in the event that it becomes necessary for the Schmitz Park PTA to pay the full price of the Math in Focus curriculum (a $20,000 increase authorized). Then, after vigorous discussion, the members voted unanimously to adopt a budget of $320,000. The members further voted to develop a fundraising plan that addresses the one-time $80,000 expense that the curriculum represents.
Stay tuned for the full minutes and for specific ways you can help us meet the policy and budget goals that these decisions require.

Call to Action: Save our Math Legacy!

[update At the School Board meeting on May 21, the Board will be listening to Public Testimony so if you feel you want to address the Board, please do. To sign up for public testimony, members of the public should e-mail or call (206) 252-0040 and give their legal name, telephone number, e-mail address, and the topic they would like to address.]

Schmitz Park’s Singapore Math Legacy is in Jeopardy. But you can help save it!

The Seattle Public Schools Math Adoption Committee has recommended the enVision Math Program for kindergarten through fifth grade for adoption by the School Board. Switching to enVision would be a step backwards for Schmitz Park children’s education.

We at Schmitz Park would like the district to reject the recommendation/select Math in Focus, consider a dual adoption (Math in Focus and enVision) or amend the math waiver process to guarantee funding of math programs schools like ours have implemented.  Our PTA raised the initial funds 7 years ago to implement this math program at Schmitz and our parents are passionate about maintaining our investment.

Here is a sample letter outlining our concern. Please feel free to write your own message or share the message in the letter. The Board will meet to discuss the recommendation on Wednesday, May 21st. The vote will take place June 4th. No time to waste!

Who to Contact:

Seattle School Board

School Board Members

District Staff



This is our last planned meeting of the school year and we need your vote!

Please join us at 6:30pm and lend your voice to some HOT topics including:

  • Help vote in the proposed budget for the 2014/2015 school year.
  • District math adoption: What is the difference between enVision (recommended by the committee for District-wide adoption) and Math in Focus (a newer, Singapore-based text)?  Hear from teachers and parents of Schmitz Park children who have benefited from the Singapore Math model.
  • What is the best way to keep Singapore Math at our school when the district has recommended enVision for all Seattle schools?
  • Help nominate next year’s board…we are looking for interested candidates for the following positions: Vice President, Assistant Treasurer, Legislative Chair, and Volunteer Coordinator.

FREE Childcare will be provided in the gym to school age children

Mariners Update – fantastic success!

We had our biggest turn-out ever to the event this year, and even got to see the Mariners extend their winning streak!

If you were there or not there’s a few things you should know

1) They missed our call out in the Welcome section, yet made up for it with an extra special message as you can see in this picture

Mariners Welcome Schmitz Park Elementary
Mariners Welcome Schmitz Park Elementary





2) Congratulations to Dorienne Raynolds for selling the most tickets – please look out for your prize

3) A hilarious shout out to Robert Ruvkun (and family) for your awesome dancing that was captured on the big screen! If you missed it, here’s a link to a previous camera moment of his

4) We are very happy to say we raised over $2k from this event and had a lot of fun doing it.

5)  Be sure to join us next year!


PTA Budget for discussion at May 15 meeting

It’s the last planned member meeting of the year and we’ve got some big decisions to make.
Key issues:
  • Schmitz Park’s legacy of excellence in math, and what we can do to preserve it.
  • The PTA budget for next year.
We hope you can join us to learn about these critical options, partake in the discussion and vote to ensure we map the best path for our children. Follow the link below for the budget proposed by the budget committee and recommended by the board. Please note the budget proposes a very significant increase in expenditures. Stay tuned to the Schmitzville Blog for additional information in advance of the discussion.


(this spreadsheet is password protected. members should receive the password via e-mail today May 14. Check your e-mail for the password, or send an e-mail to to request it).

Excellence in Math – future in question

Seattle Public Schools will adopt a new math curriculum for the 2014-2015 school year. The Math Adoption Committee reviewed the final 3 programs and will recommend envision as the program to implement.

Rick Burke, a Math Adoption Committee Member states in his post at Save Seattle Schools, “Although the public feedback clearly favored Math in Focus, the program ranking [was] based on the CCSS-based evaluation criteria. MIF, following the Singapore framework, was noticeably advanced compared to the CCSS topic pacing. “

Thanks to years of commitment from Schmitz Park faculty and PTA support, Schmitz Park’s proven use of Singapore Math Curriculum has our kids entering middle school with a solid understanding of math. They are consistently at an advantage over non-Singapore math students in their grasp of the curriculum.

What did it take to make this happen? First, the school leadership, with PTA support, successfully lobbied the school district to grant a waiver, to give the school permission to use a different curriculum. Second, PTA supporters contributed over $180,000 over the past several years to pay for the curriculum and materials.

Next steps? If the school board adopts the recommendation, we will be faced with two choices:

  1. Use the school district’s new math curriculum, and risk leaving our legacy of excellence in math behind
  2. Go through the process of lobbying the district for another waiver, and raise $30,000 a year (plus a one-time $30,000 fee in the first year) to provide our own curriculum again

We need your help now to continue our legacy of excellence! Help us convince the school board of the importance of our tradition. Here’s how:

Marty McLaren
MS 11-010
PO Box 34165
Seattle, WA 98124-1165

Let us know you are taking action, and stay in touch as this issue develops. Send a message to PTA Legislative Chair Derek Birnie.

Science Celebration Night May 22

Mark your Calendars
Science Celebration Night
Thursday, May 22nd 6:30pm- 8:00pm

May 22nd is the first annual Schmitz Park Science Celebration Night! Parents and students are invited to join the entire Schmitz Park community at school to celebrate science. Learn about our existing science curriculum and find out how much fun science is.

There will be science activities set up all around our campus to help us celebrate science learning. Tour displays and demonstrations from each grade level cohort to see how science has come to life in the classrooms. Visit our Science Showcase for interactive experiences hosted by local organizations including Museum of Flight, Issaquah Fish Hatchery, The Woodland Park Zoo Raptor Program, Chief Sealth High School World Water Week, Islandwood/Homewaters, Salish Seas, the Mountaineers and more.

In order to make this event a success, we need your help. Please sign up for volunteer opportunities here!

If you have any questions, please contact Christine Morrell.

Reminder – PTA General Meeting Tonight 6:30-8:30pm with Guest Speaker, Len Skiena

Please join us in the school cafeteria for a brief PTA meeting followed by a financial seminar titled, ‘Financial Savvy for Families – Essential Information for Families with Children of Any Age’ by Schmitz Park parent and CFP and CEO, Len Skiena of S.R. Schill & Associates.  Len will answer questions such as:

  • What legal documents should I have in place to protect my family in the event that something should happen to me?
  • What’s the best way for me to save for college costs?
  • Why is prepaying college tuition with the GET program not as attractive as it may seem?
  • What’s the difference between a 529 plan and an Education IRA?

Free childcare will be provided for school age children in the gym.

Certified First Aid course

First Aid image
First Aid

Certified First Aid course this Saturday, April 26 at the school 9am to 1pm.

We have a few open spots, so if you’d like to learn how deal with choking, broken bones, CPR, fires, earthquakes and more… please join us by emailing me []. You get the reduced price of $60 per person, and you receive a certificate at the end of the session