All posts by Genesee Hill PTA

All-school field trip June 6 – historic totem unveiling

As reported in the West Seattle Herald, The Southwest Seattle Historical Society will be unveiling the newly restored totem pole that used to welcome residents and tourists alike at the city’s Belvedere View Point Park. The restored totem pole will now be on display at the Log House Museum at the foot of Schmitz Park.

King County Executive Dow Constantine proud Schmitz Park alum

The unveiling will be an historic occasion for West Seattle and for our school community, so the whole school is taking a field trip down through the park to participate. As a special honor, Schmitz Park alumnus King County Executive Dow Constantine will join the school community for a procession down through the park to the ceremony. His counterpart at Seattle, Alki Elementary alumnus Mayor Ed Murray will be leading the Alki Elementary community.

Here is the schedule for Friday June 6 walk to the totem ceremony:

9:30- leave SP
10:30- totem pole dedication
11:00-walk to Constellation Park
11:30-eat, play, learn
12:30- walk back
1:30- back at SP

Enrichment Programs Concluding Soon


Lego iPad Animation class end the week of May 26th. Wednesday afternoon classes also end the week of May 26th, due to early release on Wednesday June 4th. All other classes end the week of June 2nd.

EARLY RELEASE CAMP – JUNE 4th Wednesday, June 4th is an Early Release Day and we will be offering Art Wizards camp from 1pm – 3pm. The cost is $25 per child.

Click here for a registration form or hard copies can be found in the front office. All grades are welcome! The class is limited, so please sign up early! Forms must be received no later than June 2nd. Turn in to the front office.

Any questions please contact Jennifer Schill.

Teacher Experiences – still room left!

Did you miss signing up for the teacher experiences at the auction. If so we have some spots left on some awesome events coming up in the near future.

Do you like the outdoors? Then this event is for you…

Kayaking with Ms.Poole & Ms. Noreng

Come join Ms. Poole & Ms. Noreng for an adventure! We will be setting out on the water for a two hour guided kayak tour around Alki led by Alki Tours. All safety and instruction included. Lunch at Marination is also included in this fun filled afternoon.

Lunch begins at 12:30 and the kayak tour starts at 1:30. Pick up at 3:30.

Price: $75
Who: 3rd, 4th and 5th graders
DATE: 8/16/2014 (Sat 12:30PM – 3:30PM)
LOCATION: Marination

Sign up now

Bike Rodeo – sign up to volunteer!

Yee Haw, it’s time for the Schmitz Park Bike Rodeo! Powered in part by PTA volunteers, the Bike Rodeo is a long running Schmitz Park tradition. This year it runs 12:45 pm to 2:45 pm. The bike rodeo is for students in 1st – 4th grades.

We’ve made some big changes this year, our 5th graders will score the bikers performance. So we still need volunteers (just not as many) to: help set-up, supervise the stations, pump up tires, check out/in the borrowed school bikes and clean-up. Below is a break down of when each grade will participate in the rodeo:

12:45 pm – 1:15 pm:1st graders
1:15 pm – 1:45 pm: 2nd graders
1:45 pm – 2:15 pm: 3rd graders
2:15 pm – 2:45 pm: 4th graders

This is a fun day for the kids, and they have been working hard mastering bike safety, so please come out and support their hard work. A few important notes

  1. The bike rodeo will occur rain or shine.
  2. All bikes must be brought to Schmitz Park on Friday morning and picked up on Friday afternoon.
  3. Please allow yourself extra time on Friday morning to help your student park their bike along the back fence of the playground (starting near P-5). Look for the sign for your child’s grade and please put their bike and helmet in the proper section.
  4. EVERY STUDENT MUST BRING THEIR OWN HELMET, no helmet=no bike rodeo for your student.
  5. If students choose not to participate in the Bike Rodeo they must still come out with their class and sit by the Big Toy to watch!

If you can volunteer, visit

Any questions, please contact Shelley Cowan.


Elections and Celebration – Brief PTA meeting Thu June 12

PTA board and leadership elections: Please join us on Thursday, June 12th 6:30pm in the school cafeteria to nominate 2014-2015 board positions including Vice President, Assistant Treasurer, Fundraising Chair, and Legislative Chair.  For more information on these positions, please see our earlier post or contact Jeff at

Following our brief meeting we will all adjourn to Prost! to celebrate a successful school year!


Schmitz Park PTA math adoption letter sparks advocate discussion

A letter from Schmitz Park PTA President Jeff Rayner and Capacity Chair Emily Giaquinta to the school board got picked up and reposted to the Seattle Schools Community Forum. To-date it has prompted 55 comments, including some very detailed and thoughtful analysis. This is good reading for members looking to learn more about what others are thinking on math adoption.

Seattle Schools Community Forum has five years of posts referring to Schmitz Park and Schmitz Park PTA.


Volunteer Positions – we need you!

Are you ready to help lead our Schmitz Park community and continue a legacy of great parent involvement? We’re looking for parents that have the knowledge and drive to continue to make great things to happen at Schmitz Park.  The PTA Nominating Committee is now accepting nominations for:

  • PTA Board Officers = Help determine PTA direction; voted in; meet 1x per month for PTA board, and 1x per month for General PTA meeting
  • Open Chair Positions = Oversee particular events and activities; not voted in;  only attend relevant meetings
  • Other = Help the above where possible; not voted in;  no meeting requirements

If you are interested in nominate yourself (or someone you know!), please contact Jeff Rayner at

Proposed PTA Board Members 2014/15 (Voted-in)

PresidentGuide the PTA board to ensure you are meeting your PTA’s goals and fulfilling PTA’s missionJoe Turcotte
Vice PresidentServe as president elect of SP PTA, support president in running PTA meetings as needed. Support other SP commitees as needed, identify needs for new initiatives as needed.Robert Kelly
SecretaryThe secretary is responsible for keeping an accurate record of the proceedings of association meetings. These records are the permanent history of the PTA. Promptness, accuracy, and knowledge of PTA policies are key to this job. The secretary should be committed to helping the president conduct a businesslike meetingAlyse HuffordAlyse Hufford
TreasurerUnderstand the status of current fundraising activities, what money is available to be spent versus what is owed, and the bylaws as they relate to the treasurer’s responsibilities. Tom Boyer (roll over)
Vice Treasurer Serve as Treasurer elect, support Treasurer in running financials as needed. Michelle Wonder (appointed)
LegislativeTrack issues that affect the SP community at the district, local state and national levels. Frame issues and decision points for PTA and larger SP community. Create and execute action plans to support PTA positions on issuesEmily Giaquinta & Angela Cough
FundraisingOversee Moveathon, One Campaign and support auction leads. Develop and lead volunteer commitee to support activitiesLorie Bennett & Derek Birnie
CommunicationsCreate content and share across communications vehicles to engage SP community in PTA activities. Manage SP PTA blog, social media accounts and web pages on SPS site.Cheri Libby

Proposed Other Members 2014/15 (non voted-in, including Chairs)


  • Standing roles = year round
  • Special roles = event based positions on an ad hoc (as-needed) basis
Auction Co-ChairHelp coordinate the auctionRob Kelly
Auction ChairHelp coordinate the auctionPam Linxweiler
Bike RodeoOversee this fun event near the end of the school year
CapacityKeep up-to-date on the new school at Genessee Hill and associated issuesEmily Giaquinta
Communications - blog managerKeep our blog as up to date as possible, as this will be our main source of information for parents and the community
Communications - FacebookKeep our FB postings up to date and link them to the blogAnita Lavine
Communications - signageEnsure our main signs reflect the current PTA activities and eventsLorie Bennett, Fiona Preedy
Communications - SPS websiteEnsure the official website through the PTA is maintained and references the PTA blog where appropriateLorie Bennett, Fiona Preedy
Give BackOversee the GiveBack campaign, work with local businesses and support procurement activitiesJeff Rayner
Membership Recruitment of members, lead member engagement and benefitsJeff Rayner
Move-A-ThonOversee the MATKara Centioli, Jodie Bennett
PassportAssist with ensuring our Passport program is running as neededJen Watt
ProcurementHelp garner conversations and donations from local businessesAthena Fjeld, Melissa Pederssen
Parent EducationWork with teachers, PTA board and blog manager to ensure educational content is relevant and helpful. Also assists with once a year events like Math Night
Schmitzville Festival Oversee this once a year eventKatie Hamilton, Jodie Bennett
Systems/Data Assess needs, implement and manage systems and software to manage SP PTA data accross functions including membership, finance, fundraising and others

– See more at: