All posts by Genesee Hill PTA

Stay Informed, Stay Engaged

  1. Join Washington’s Paramount Duty Facebook group. It is a city-wide source on Funding Basic Education:
  2. Sign up for WA PTSA Action Alerts  (Schmitz Park PTA Local Unit #023234, Seattle is in Region 6 of the WA PTSA)YBOF


Civic engagement at the State level will be key in fixing our under-funded school system. A state-wide rally will be held on the Capitol steps in Olympia on February 3rd, 2016. Schmitz Park’s goal is to have 50 parents attend this rally. Watch for more details and a SignUpGenius to save your place on the bus.


PastedGraphic-1Harder than pronouncing that headline is coming up with adequate revenues to Fund Basic Education. Why? See attached and consider the following facts:

  1. Washington State funds 55.3% of Seattle Schools General Fund.
  2. Local Levies approved by Seattle voters support general education programs and operations. Levy funds will provide $190.7 million or 25.3% of budgeted resources in 2015-2016, and are the second largest funding source for Seattle Public Schools.
  3. PTA’s raised and funded over $2M worth of support services and resources within their respective schools. Schmitz Park’s PTA Budget for 2015-2016 is $250K, or roughly 10% of the district-wide total.

Stay Informed, Stay Active. Students need a voice in this debate.

2015 Maximum Levy Authority_OPSI_KingCo

2015-2016 Seattle Schools Budget

Show us the money – WA State Budgets 10-14-15

Correction: There will be two Rallies tomorrow!

imgresLast week, SPS announced staff cuts at 25 elementary schools across the district, including Schmitz Park and 4 other West Seattle Schools. To organize a collective community response, 40 Seattle Public School Parent Leaders from Legislators to PTA Presidents held an emergency meeting on Sunday to accomplish one thing: develop a strategy to put a full stop to the current staff cuts.

Important action items this week:

  1. Two rallies have been organized at the John Stanford Center for Education Excellence on Tuesday, October 13 one at 11:00am and one at 4:00pm. Please attend the one most convenient for you. Use #kidsnotcuts in your signage and wear your Schmitz Park gear! Please follow links for more details: 11 a.m. event and 4 p.m. event.
  2. Print, sign and mail the attached letter to the School Board, then copy & paste it in an email to
  3. Attend the Schmitz Park PTA Meeting on Thursday, October 15th at 6:30pm to hear updates and next steps to advocate for our kids and all students across Seattle.


Registration is complete and our classes begin this coming Monday, October 12th!  If you have students enrolled in enrichment, you should be getting an email this week outlining class dates, times, and location, as well as pick up and attendance policies.  Please read it carefully and calendar all the pertinent information.  We are looking forward to a great session!

Annual Auction Kick-Off

It’s time to start planning our 2016 Auction! Please join us Monday, October 12 at 7PM, in the Schmitz Park cafeteria for the Auction Kick off meeting. We will be finalizing the theme, filling roles (both big and small), discussing event activities and more. This is an event to plan so bring your ideas, experience and enthusiasm!