All posts by Genesee Hill PTA

Later Pick-Up Time? Use the Afternoon Study Club

This year, classes will be dismissed at 2:05pm, 40 minutes earlier than last year.

To serve families who need a later pick-up time after school, we are considering offering an Afternoon Study Club during the first two weeks of school – just until Enrichment classes begin on September 26.

If there is enough demand, the Study Club would continue year round. We have tentative staff available for this, and now need to know the interest.

Study Club would start September 12th and run from 2:15 to 3:45 PM. It would run through the year, possibly including Fridays when there are not other Enrichment classes. The cost would be $10 to $20 per day depending on enrollment.

If you are interested, please let us know soon by completing a brief pre-registration form here.

If you are interested in helping to staff this Study Club throughout the year (as a paid position), or would be interested in volunteering once a week in exchange for free coverage for your child on other days, please email Chau Pho Tung at

We would love to make the Afternoon Study Club a reality – please let us know if you are interested as soon as possible!

Attention Kindergarten Parents – Here’s What to Expect with Slow Start

For the first time, Slow Start will be a part of Kindergarten orientation at Genesee Hill Elementary, providing a great opportunity for the Kindergarten Team to gain a better understanding of the cohort before jumping in with both feet on September 12th.

By now, you should have all received your Slow Start assignment. Please remember that this is a time for students only – parents and caregivers will drop-off and pick-up their students at the assigned times as if it were a normal school day.

During your child’s scheduled time, he/she will have:

  • A one-on-one “getting-to-know-you” meeting with his/her teacher. This will provide a chance for your child to meet their new teacher, see the classroom, and provide an initial view for the teacher about your child’s starting point at the beginning of this important journey.
  • An opportunity to work with the reading specialist and tutor team in both large and small group activities that should give them more information about important aspects of each child’s developmental level.
  • Recess! Play is a very important aspect of child development and they learn a lot about them during recess time.

On Friday afternoon (9/9), the entire team will look at all the data they have collected over the week and make any classroom placement changes that they deem necessary to maintain balance among all the Kindergarten classes.

On Thursday, 9/8, at 6pm, please remember to join us for Kindergarten Orientation. All families will start in the cafeteria, then parents will move to individual classrooms while students learn about playing on the playground. While they want you to focus on your new Kindergarten student, younger siblings are welcome, and the playground will be available for parents to supervise toddlers.

If you have any questions or concerns, our tireless Assistant Principle, Liz Dunn, has said not to hesitate contacting her: 206.252.9642 |

Library Volunteers Needed This Week!

As you know, teachers and staff are busy unpacking and getting things set up for the first day of school.

We need some “attention to detail” oriented volunteers to help unpack and set up the new library (knowledge of the Dewey Decimal system helpful, but not compulsory if you are a quick learner). We have several shifts and volunteer times to choose from. Any help you can provide is very much appreciated!

To sign up, click here.

Team Boyer wins the “Fox Hole Golf Classic”

foxA big thank you to all the golfers that participated in the 1st Annual “Fox Hole Classic”. It was a blast, nothing like having a golf course to yourself!

IMG_7176Congratulations to Team Boyer: Tom Boyer, Tom Lazar, Larry Hudson and Geno Timmons. Who came home with the 1st place trophy!

And congratulations to Tom Lazar with “Best Score – 76”! What a team.


TIMG_3967eam Marroquin: Nathan Marroquin, Daniel Kelley-Peterson, IMG_6492
Mark Armstrong and Adam Cox, cruising in the golf cart!


Some happy spectators!

Move-A-Thon 2016

MAT_2016It’s time to move it, move it one last time for Schmitz Park Elementary!! Our Move-A-Thon Fundraising goal is $55,000. All proceeds go to the PTA General Fund which helps support core fundamental needs like our reading tutors, recess supervisors, school supplies and programs like Passport, visual arts, library and physical education at our school.

PLEDGE A STUDENT Move-A-Thon_Pledge_ButtonNOW: Collect pledges here, click on the Move-A-Thon Pledge button to pledge now.

  • Or go, door-to-door with your pledge envelope and Thank You cards
  • Send out emails with the PayPal link. Click on Move-A-Thon Email, to download a template to send to out-of-town friends and family!

The first collection date: Friday, May 13th. Turn in pledges and earn a temporary tattoo. Turn pledges in on all three collection dates and collect all three temporary tattoos!

A big thank you to this year’s Move-A-Thon sponsors. Click image below for clearer detail.

sponsors mat 2016



Auction Details

1962_borderThank you Schmitz Park Parents – we have sold out the Auction!! Below is the Schedule of Events and address along with a link to the Auction website. On the website  you’ll find a google map and the Auction catalog, which you can browse through and make a bidding plan!

Brockey Conference Center, South Seattle College
6000 – 16th Ave. SW
Seattle, WA 98106-1499

Schedule of Events:
5:00 pm: Check-in
5:00-6:30 pm: Silent Auction
5:00-7:00 pm: Class Art Projects and Photo Booth
7:00 pm: Live Auction
9:00 pm: Dancing and Photo Booth!


Three Schmitz Park Kids Compete in National Cross Country Championships!

1212150929b-e1449973872311Congratulations to three of our Schmitz Park kids:  Boden, William and Whit, who went to Albuquerque last week for the national cross country championship!

Coach Eric Linxweiler (a Schmitz Park parent) said:

They ran in a driving rain, at 37 degrees. It was cold, but they did fantastic! Boden, William, and Whit ran their best races of the year. West Seattle should be very proud!

(here’s the backstory)

Eric says the team they’re representing is the only one of its kind in the city, based at a Seattle Parks community center. The boys ran in the youngest division at the meet.

Congratulations Boden, William, and Whit!