All posts by Genesee Hill PTA

January Volunteer of the Month – Suzanne Eiler

Congratulations to Suzanne Eiler, January’s Volunteer of the Month!

“Suzanne generously gives her time to Genesee Hill. She quietly and calmly accomplishes any task that needs to be done. Her steady support of the Passport program is a great asset to the school!”

When asked why Suzanne chooses to volunteer at GHES, here’s what she said:

“I love volunteering at school because it’s important for me to connect with what Olivia is learning and to know the wonderful people who inspire her! I’ve volunteered in Olivia’s class since kindergarten in Mrs. Mears classroom. Chaperoning, Global Passport, and the auction keep me busy. Getting to know the kids and the parents is invaluable. My mom instilled a strong volunteer gene in me and Genesee Hill is one of my most favorite places to be.”

We are so thankful to Suzanne for her ongoing and positive support she gives to our school. Thanks for making our school a great place to be!

If you know of someone who should be considered as a volunteer of the month or are interested in how we choose from so many wonderful people, feel free to reach out to Rene Bibaud, our volunteer coordinator:

Please remember that the dedicated parking spot should be made available to Suzanne at all times. Please don’t park in the Volunteer of the Month parking spot even for a quick run into school. 

Parent Conference Survey

During this Thanksgiving break, please take a few moments to complete the annual Parent Conference Survey. Your comments and feedback on the supports provided at the school are important to the staff and school leadership team. As noted in the email from Gerrit, Liz and Paula, please take as much or as little time as you can afford for the survey. There are ample opportunities to include comments, which are especially useful to the school staff and leadership team. Please, however, refrain from identifying specific staff members because comments will be read by our Building Leadership Team and responses to the PTA questions will be shared with the PTA Board. As always, please include your name at the end of the survey if you would like a personalized response. Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the week-long break!!

November School Board Elections

King County Elections are in full swing and the Genesee Hill PTA board is closely following the Seattle School District races to see how our new School Board of Directors will fill out. Four of the seven districts are up for re-election, including ours – District 6. 

As a local PTA, regulations prohibit us from endorsing any candidates. We do, however, work closely with the board member once elected. Recent outreach included the Lafayette boundary discussions, full funding, and daycare. We are able to take positions on ballot measures; however, this year’s ballot has no measures that will affect any education issues.

We encourage all parents to educate themselves on all the candidates and make informed decisions on our children’s education. For information on the District 6 candidates for the Seattle Public School Board of Directors position, please click here.

Get your ballots in before November 5!

The Genesee Hill PTA Needs You!

We currently have the following board positions open:
1.     Legislative and Advocacy Chair(s)
2.     Membership Chair

In addition to these open board positions, we have the following needs for support:
1.     Nominating Committee
2.     Volunteers on activities and committees; please check out the Volunteer page
3.     People interested in board positions for next year

Please let us know if you are interested in the above board and volunteer positions or if you have any questions about them. Contact PTA President, Erika Rasmussen, at

Kindergarten Tours and Registration

Do you have an incoming kindergartner for the 2019-2020 school year? If so, please join us on Thursday, February 7 from 9:00 am – 10:30 am for our Kindergarten Tour. This is a great opportunity for parents to learn more about the school, our programs, tour the building and see students in action.

Kindergartner registration is open for the 2019-2020 school year. If you have an incoming kindergartner, please register TODAY. Here is the link. Please register before February 15, 2019. The is the last point in which the current registration numbers can influence the district budget process for staffing for next year.

If you are a family that was affected by the new boundary changes and have an incoming kindergartner, you must register your kindergartner before the School Choice and Open Enrollment Process begins. You will then need to register for Genesee Hill as a School Choice through the Open Enrollment process that takes place February 4 – February 15. Click here for more information about the School Choice and Open Enrollment Process.

Additional Details on Staffing Adjustments for the 2018-2019 School Year

Many schools across the Seattle Public School District have been affected by budget cuts for the 2018-2019 school year, and unfortunately, Genesee Hill is one of those schools. Our school was affected for a few reasons. Current enrollment is 678 students, which is below both the 692 student projection that the initial budget was based on last February and the updated projection of 686 this past June. Also, the shared equity priority that the district implements preserved staffing at schools with higher needs and reduced staffing at schools with greater resources and deeper programs that could absorb adjustments easier, like Genesee Hill.

Principal Kischner, Ms. Dunn and Ms. Henn worked closely with the Building Leadership Team (BLT) and PTA leadership to implement the budget adjustment in ways that respected the amazing staff members we have at our school, minimized disruption at the homeroom level and followed contractual guidelines. Starting October 1, the following plan to address the budget adjustment will be implemented:

  • Reduce Physical Education to 1.6 teachers
  • Eliminate our 0.5 Technology teacher
  • Reduce our Math Specialist to 0.8 (four days/week)
  • Shift our new Art teacher position to PTA funding
  • Use savings from last year’s budget

Principal Kischner will be hosting a discussion about this plan and the budget adjustment at 5:30 pm Tuesday, September 25 in the library. Additional information about the plan for our school are included in his letter emailed to families September 24. Additional information on the district-wide staffing and budget adjustments can be found on the Seattle Public School District website, and questions can be emailed to Principal Kischner directly at or

Save the Date – General PTA Membership Gathering Oct 4

Please join us at our first General PTA Membership Gathering of the school year on Thursday, October 4 from 6:15 pm – 8:00 pm in the Genesee Hill Elementary lunchroom.  Childcare is provided for school aged children.  Our Fall Membership Gathering gives our membership and community an opportunity to learn more about our PTA’s vision and goals, activities and events planned for the year and how you can get involved, whether it is sharing your time, talents or resources. Our Fall Membership Meeting is also where will we fill our open board position (Vice Treasurer), accept nominations for participation in the Washington State PTA Legislative Assembly and review and approve our revised 2018-2019 PTA Budget.

PTA General Membership Meetings are open to all current PTA members and the community. However, if you are not a member and would like to vote at the meeting to elect the board and approve the budget, please join the PTA now. (Please note that your PTA membership is an annual membership and must renewed each school year.)

Open Elected Board Positions and Nominees
Greg Deviny – Vice Treasurer

Open Appointed Board Positions
Legislative Advocacy Chair(s)
Nominating Committee

*If you are interested in being nominated for one of the open board positions (elected or appointed positions), please let me know.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!

Erika Rasmussen, PTA President

District Staffing Adjustments and the Impact on Genesee Hill

On September 20, the Seattle Public School District posted information on staffing adjustments for the 2018-2019 school year. These adjustments will impact Genesee Hill Elementary School by decreasing our staff. The school must submit its staffing adjustments to the district Monday, September 24. That evening, Principal Gerrit Kischner will email families an update on the school’s staffing changes, how we will be addressing the impact and why staffing adjustments are happening at our school. In follow up to the email, he will be discussing the staffing adjustments with families who are interested and able to attend at 5:30 pm Tuesday, September 25 in the school library. This is before the special Trudy Ludwig presentation, which begins at 6:30 pm. Information will be posted here on the blog when it is available. If you would like to contact the Seattle Public School District directly, you can email