All posts by Genesee Hill PTA

Summer Reading Resources

Usher in July by starting some anti-racist summer reading as a family!

Interactive Kids’ Anti-Racist Reading Room This virtual reading room full of beautiful picture books was created by Michelle Widawer Hamburger and Kimberly Slater Haim- two Kindergarten teachers from Valley Village, CA. You can click on anything in the room to learn or read. 

Anti-Racist Reading Challenge:  Below is a list of 25 picture books, early readers, middle grade, young adult and adult titles. Challenge your whole family to read some of these this summer!

Call for Golden Acorn nominations

Do you know someone who is an amazing volunteer? Someone who, whether it be quietly, or out in front of everyone, gives all they have to give to Genesee Hill Elementary School? Here is your opportunity to recognize them! We are seeking nominations for the Golden Acorn. Since 1937, the Golden Acorn is an award presented to individuals who have given outstanding volunteer service to children and youth. To submit your nomination(s) – feel free to nominate more than one person – please email by Monday, June 8. Thanks to everyone for the many ways you support our community!

PTA meeting Wed, May 6 – your input is needed on what COVID-19 means for our school community!

Please join us on WEDNESDAY, May 6 from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm for a virtual PTA General Membership Meeting. Please join using Zoom, meeting ID: 948 2874 5408. A reminder will be sent to PTA members prior to the meeting with dial-in details for those unable to join via app/web.  

TOPICS: PTA Funded Programs. Priorities for families and Genesee Hill Elementary School are being impacted by COVID-19. It’s expected that PTA funding is going to decrease next year so, as a group, we need to decide what programs and services the PTA will plan to fund. As parents, many of you ideated on what the school needed when we met in January. Now is your chance to continue that conversation and tell us what matters to you. 

But this is a Zoom meeting – what are we going to DO? In addition to getting updates on PTA finances, a recap from the auction, and a chance to ask questions about positions open for the election at the June 11 PTA General Membership Meeting (when we’ll also vote on next year’s PTA budget), we will have small group discussions about what to prioritize for the 2020-2021 school year.  

Not a PTA member? PLEASE still come*. You don’t have to be a member to provide input and ask questions of others that care about our school community.   

*Our PTA membership gatherings are open to everyone. You do not need to be a PTA member to attend. However, you must be a current PTA member to vote on PTA business. Your PTA membership is an annual membership (aka must be renewed each school year). If you are not sure if you are a current PTA member, please contact Jay Bitseff at If you are not a member, please consider joining the PTA here:

Lunch available for students at 26 school sites beginning March 16

Starting March 16, 26 schools will begin serving lunch for all SPS students from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Monday through Friday for the duration of the school closure. Grab and go meals are available for students, but students cannot stay at the school to eat them because of “social distancing”
guidance from state and local health agencies.

Students do not need to be present to get a meal. A parent or caregiver can pick up meals for the number of kids he/she has at home. If a person needs mobile accessibility support, staff are available to assist. Information on the 26 school sites and specific meal pick up information for each site can be found on the SPS site. The page can be translated into several different languages from the “Select Language” drop down in the top right corner of the page.

Please note SPS does not need volunteers for meal distribution since it is working to avoid community congregations.

Food assistance for families in need

As many of you are aware, closure of Seattle Public Schools means more than just a postponement of learning for students. Many families rely on the schools for child care, meals and other community support. Members of the Genesee Hill community are proud of the strength of our community, and we’d like to step up the level of strength and support during this uncertain time. We are taking donations that will be used to purchase Safeway gift cards for distribution to families that rely on the school for food assistance. If you would like to participate, please donate here. The PTA Board will purchase the gift cards on a weekly basis for the duration of our school closure and give them to Principal Kischner for distribution. Thanks in advance for this support and all other means of support our community is providing during this time and stay healthy and safe!

SPS schools closed for minimum 14 days starting Mar 12

Starting Thursday, March 12 Superintendent Denise Juneau and the Seattle School Board will close Seattle Public Schools for a minimum of 14 calendar days as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) currently guides. This necessary action is an effective way to disrupt widespread infection.

More information will be communicated Thursday, March 12 to all families. Please watch for communications from SPS via email, text and phone. Also, updated information is available on the SPS Coronavirus 2019 Update webpage.