All posts by Secretary

Team Heads to Global Reading Challenge Semi-Finals

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This past Thursday, seven teams of 4th and 5th graders participated in the Global Reading Challenge at Schmitz Park.  Over the past few months, Ms. Vannini has been encouraging 4th and 5th graders who took on the challenge to read all 10 books.  Kids created their teams and met on a regular basis to discuss the books and ready themselves for Thursday’s challenge.

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Our local librarian from the Admiral branch led the competition by asking teams 3 rounds of questions pertaining to all 10 books. The team with the most correct answers – we had a tie and it came down to one question between a 5th and 4th grade team – would move on to compete in the semi-finals.

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In the end, the 5th grade team won and will go on to compete against 54 teams in the semi-finals.  We wish them much success in the semi-finals and congrats to ALL who participated!

Sing Out Seattle Comes to Schmitz Park

We are pleased to announce that we will be offering Sing Out Seattle’s ( Mary Poppins as an after school enrichment class beginning March 17th and running through May 26th.  Classes will be on Tuesdays from 3pm-4:30pm in the Gym, with breakout sessions in Room 8.  There will be a final performance on Friday, May 29th in the cafeteria.  We will need a handful of parent volunteers for that performance to help with hair and makeup, as well as set up and clean up.
sing out seattle
You can download the registration form here and hard copies will be available in the office.  Please return form to the office. The deadline is Thursday February 26th at 3pm.  All forms received by the deadline will be processed equally and a lottery will determine placement if the class is oversubscribed.  The class minimum is 24 students, maximum is 30.  If the class does not fill, we will open registration to 2nd graders as well.
Please contact Jen Schill at if you have questions or need any assistance.

Volunteers Needed for District Task Force

Volunteers needed for 24-Credit Graduation Requirement Task Force

Seattle Public Schools is seeking parent, staff and student volunteers to serve on a 24-Credit Graduation Requirement Task Force that would address how the district can implement the state’s increasing credit requirements for graduation. The task force will be asked to research and analyze options, and then make a recommendation regarding high school schedules, graduation policy and credit-hour requirements.

The district received a waiver to delay the new requirement in Seattle Public Schools because of the challenges of fitting 24-credits into current high school schedules. Community members, staff or students interested in serving on the task force should send an email expressing interest by Feb. 20, 2015, to Erin Stoen, Director of College & Career Readiness, at

Fourth Grade Cohort & Westside Baby

A very big thank you from Westside Baby and the Fourth Grade Cohort to everyone who donated items during the recent clothing drive. About 20 kids and parents worked together to make almost 40 complete clothes bags.
And thank you, Hope Lutheran, for letting us use your Fellowship Room.  We plan to repeat the effort next January and will put a notice in the Bulletin before Winter Break.

Agenda for PTA General Meeting – This Thursday!


We hope you all can join us this Thursday, January 15th from 6:30-8pm in the school cafeteria for our General Meeting.  Members and non-members are invited to join us in discussion as we get an update from Mr. Kischner on Technology at the school and where funds are being spent.  We’ll also hear from Ms. Vannini, School Librarian on the funds raised at the Book Fair and how that money will be used at the school.  Following officer reports we will have a Q & A for parents.  Questions please contact the board at

You can download the agenda here.

Join Us January 19th – Speak Up for Kids!

Please sign up and join the Washington State PTA and other Schmitz Park Elementary parents in Olympia on Monday, January 19th (MLK holiday) for Focus Day!  Top Legislative Priorities for 2015 include:

– Funding McCleary

– Create Positive School Climates Through Social Emotional Learning

– Increased Capital Funding

– Increased Access to Higher Education

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Bring your family and neighbors to show your support of our legislative platform with a focus on our number one priority: Funding McCleary. Bring banners and signs for the noon rally on the Capitol steps. Hear what state legislative leaders have to say about our issues and how they plan to deliver on the McCleary promise. Let’s bring our voices together for the children of our state on Monday, January 19. A variety of kids activities are being planned to make Focus Day fun for kids of all ages. Click here to register.