All posts by Secretary

Seeking a Blog Manager

volunteersDo you like to be in on the latest news going on at school?  Can you create intriguing headlines, text, and photos that engage the school community?  Then we need you!  We are seeking a volunteer Blog Manager to partner with the Communications Chair on all communications for the Schmitz Park blog. Our school is growing and we need someone who can keep our parent community informed on all the latest happenings in and around the school.  Posts include school events, news from the PTA and WSPTA, legislative issues, and community news. Estimated time commitment is 1-2 hours per week.  Position can be done remotely from home.   WordPress experience is not required, we will train you.  Please contact if you are interested.

Bell Times – Let Your Voice Be Heard

SPS and the Bell Times Analysis Task Force is collecting public input on proposed options at a community meeting Tuesday May 12, 7PM – 8:30PM at Chief Sealth High School Commons (2600 SW Thistle St). Can’t make the meeting but want to give feedback? Copy/Paste your choice in an email to with the option you think serves all students in all grade levels the best. Deadline for Task Force emails is April 30. (Public Input period closes May 15.)

Select one:

#1: Start elementary school at 8:00/8:50AM, high school at 8:50AM, and middle school at 9:40AM

#2: Offer late start high school as an option: high school can start at 7:50 or8:40AM, middle school at 7:50AM, elementary school at 8:40/9:30AM

#3: Start high school at 7:50AM, middle school at 7:50AM and elementary school at 8:40/9:30AM (current bell times).

General Meeting This Thursday!


Join us Thursday, April 23 at 6:30PM for our General Meeting. We are excited to have BLRB Architects visit and present a virtual tour of our new school building. Following their presentation we will provide an update on the name submission process.  If you haven’t had a chance to register your name preference, visit for details.

And a reminder free childcare is provided for school age children in the gym.  Questions please contact your board at

We Need Your Input On New School Name

This past week, Mr. Kischner sent a letter to parents and the school community and neighbors asking for feedback in helping to name our new school.  The district will ultimately make the decision on the name but we would love to give them our preferred considerations and have until April 26th to do so.  If you would like to participate, please register your preference (vote) here.

The Building Leadership Team has forwarded four names for consideration:

  • Genesee Hill Elementary School: Genesee Hill is the name of the original building, which opened in 1949.
  • Genesee-Schmitz Elementary School: Genesee-Schmitz recognizes the shared identity and history of the neighborhood and the two schools.
  • Dietrich Schmitz Elementary School: Dietrich Schmitz was the longest-serving member of the Seattle School Board in history, serving 32 years and multiple times as President.
  • Thelma DeWitty Elementary School: Thelma DeWitty was the first African-American teacher in Seattle, working first in West Seattle at the Cooper School.

You may also drop off or mail a hard-copy of your preference to Schmitz Park School, 5000 SW Spokane St., Seattle 98115.  We ask for just one vote per household.  This survey will close at midnight on April 26, 2015, and the results will be used to finalize a recommendation for the Superintendent’s report to the School Board of Directors.  Please note that while we would like to move forward to finalize the naming of the new building, we are also continuing to watch enrollment numbers that could affect the long-term plans for both our current and future school sites.

Schmitz Park Auction Raises $135,000!

Thank to all of you who were able to attend and/or donate to this year’s auction!  We raised approximately $135,000 (including MVG competition)! We are now at $215,000 raised for the year and need another $25,000 to meet our goal of $240,000. If you haven’t had a chance to give, please click on the following link to make your contribution to our amazing school:

auction picture 1
And the online auction is still underway…there are 65 Schmitz Park Mariner’s day tickets left for purchase, a few silent auction items – including P6’s “Seahawks 12s” collage and Ms. Bailey’s room 9, “Magic Fairy Garden” art projects. There are also 69 5th grade photo collages remaining! This is a great keepsake and every 5th grader will want this picture. Click to view more at the Online Auction

auction picture 2

And a big THANK YOU to this year’s auction co-chairs Pam Linxweiler, Jodi Bennett, Lorie Bennett and Robert Kelly for spearheading this year’s event.  And their entire crew of folks who went over and beyond setting up, securing items for the auction, overseeing the class art projects, selling raffle tickets, and much, much more including:

Silent Auction – Angie Kosnoski and Amy Boyer

Follow up Thank You’s – Amy Huey, Chris Estep, Christine Kraynek

Class photos – Gene Hsu and Lisa Wallace

Royal court and MVG – Lorie Bennett and Kelley O’Connor

Communications – Cheri Libby and Alice Thavis

Class Art Projects – Shelley Cowan, Tiea Hanson, Lori Kimball, Pam Linxweiler, Valarie Long, Jodi Bennett, Sarah Heitman and Don Poulsen

Teacher Experiences – Karen Kasameyer

Raise the Paddle – Joe Turcotte

Event Night Volunteers – Skylar and Alicia Pond, Eric Linxweiler, Denise Quarles and numerous volunteers from Northwest Strength and Performance

Event Set Up and Take Down – Jen Young, Alden Alvarado, Ali Kitchener, Brynne Burkhalter , Christine Grimes, Christine Kraynek, Heather Hsu, Kaycie Timmons, Kelley O’Connor, Genevieve Carlson, Kitty McMichael, Nicole Lyshol Wallace, Denise Quarles, Sarah Heitman , Tara Calvo, and Valancy Blackwell.

Bell Times – Need Feedback Now

school bell timePlease join Emily Giaquinta & Genevieve Carlson on Tuesday, April 7 from 6:307:30PM at Schmitz Park Elementary for a brief presentation on the Bell Time Proposal, Q&A session and to complete the family survey. You can also view information and submit the survey online at:

For questions contact: Emily Giaquinta –

The Bell Times Task Force is reviewing public input on whether to keep the bell time schedule the same, change it to a modified flip of elementary, middle & high school bell times, or extend the high school day by adding an optional seventh hour beginning with the 2016-2017 school year.  The Neighbor to Neighbor program was created to facilitate community engagement and is being led by parents from our schools. The feedback gathered from every family in these discussions will play an important role in the District’s recommendations and decision making processes on Bell Time changes moving forward. Three (3) Options are being reviewed and only one will be recommended for the Superintendent for implementation.

Social Thinking Parent Group

super flex

Would you like your child to have an opportunity to practice with Social Thinking concepts?  Lisa Schubert, a parent of a kindergartner at Schmitz Park, is organizing play groups for kids who are socially shy or have trouble ‘staying with the group.’  While Lisa is familiar with the Social Thinking curriculum, she says, “What we do with these groups depends on the families who sign up.”  She imagines paired play dates and small group gatherings for kids to practice communication and social skills and a chance for parents to share resources.

If you are interested in participating, please contact Lisa at or 206.276.1188.

PTA General Meeting This Thursday!

We hope you can join us this Thursday, March 19th at 6:30pm in the school cafeteria for our General Meeting.  All our welcome and if you haven’t had a chance to sign up and be a member, you can do so at the meeting.  Ms. Minkin, Ms. Watts (School Counselor), Ms. Johnson (Special Education) and Ms. Christie (Speech and Language pathologist) will lead a presentation on Social Thinking and how this program is being implemented at Schmitz Park and benefiting our school community.  Following their presentation, we will take a VOTE to approve the budget for extra staffing needs, then board members will provide updates on financials, highlight board position openings and how you can get involved in the PTA.  We’ll also have an open Q & A at the end of the meeting for parents.  Meetings are open to all and free childcare is provided for school age children in the gym.

You can download the agenda here.

PTA General Meeting this Thursday!

PTA Meeting

Please join Mr. Kischner, Ms. Minkin, and Ms. Dunn for our upcoming PTA General Meeting this Thursday, February 19th at 6:30pm as they present and answer your questions on SBAC testing (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium).  Learn what your children can expect to see on the test and where you can find practice tests.  The PTA Board will also review our financials and upcoming fundraising needs for the upcoming auction.

The Meeting is open to all and if you haven’t had a chance to sign up to be a PTA member, board members will be on hand to get you signed up.  And a friendly reminder FREE childcare is available to all school age children, provided by the PTA in the school gym.