All posts by communications

Call to Action Letter to State Senators

In response to the announcements in West Seattle yesterday about staff cuts at our local elementary schools, the following Call to Action was written for parents to use to let their voice be heard.

The instructions for the call to action:

  1. Print, sign and mail this (or your own version) to the address on the letter
  2. Email a copy of the letter to these addresses: (use every email address you have and forward to others outside of Seattle to do the same),,,,,,,,,


October 8, 2015

The Senate Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee
462 J.A. Cherberg Bldg,
P.O. Box 40466 Olympia, WA 98504-0466

 Dear Senators,

 On behalf of our West Seattle community of students, teachers, and parents, we urge your Committee to take action to break the deadlock and fully fund public education. Yesterday, 25 elementary school principals in our district were told to cut up to 2 general education staff, merge homeroom classes to totals above the state’s legal limit, and displace our youngest students. Because enrollment projections fell short by 675 students, or 1.2%, out of a total district enrollment of 52,399 the funding shortfall was catastrophic. There is not enough money in the district budget to mitigate a 1% margin of error in projections. There is not enough money in the district budget to deliver the level of education we must provide to our students.

 As elected representatives of our state and fellow Washington residents, give our children a quality, and stable, education. It is the job you pledged to do on Election Day. Comply with McCleary – Fully Fund Public Education.


Parent_Senate Commitee Letter





2016-2017 BELL TIMES

bell time changes

Our West Seattle Schools Face Significant Changes

Schmitz Park Elementary – 8AM to 2:10PM

Madison Middle School – 9:40AM to 4:10PM

West Seattle High School – 8:50AM to 3:20PM

Below is a comprehensive list of West Seattle schools as well as the West Seattle Blog’s coverage from the meeting last night.

2016-2017 SPS Proposed Bell Times


Email to provide your support or opposition to the proposed changes to the District by October 6. Final Bell Times to be announced by mid October. For more information visit

Schmitzville Carnival this Friday, Sept. 25 – Looking for Volunteers

Schmitzville: Schmitz Park PTA

The Schmitzville Carnival has been rescheduled for this Friday Sept 25 from 5:30-8pm.

This annual event is a great opportunity to catch up with old friends, meet new ones and rejoice in our community being back together at school! Plus with six food trucks no one has to make dinner that night!

But we can’t do it without your help. We’ve broken down the shifts to just 1/2 hour. Please sign up on the link below to work a shift and/or donate baked goods for the popular cake walk.

Thanks for volunteering and see you at the carnival!


Fall Enrichment Class Registration Starts This Week

enrichmentJust a reminder that Fall enrichment classes are posted on our blog under the enrichment tab.

Registration will go live this Thursday at noon.

As we gear up for classes we are looking for an assistant coach to work with Ms. Santana for basketball – this will allow us to accommodate more students!  If you are interested email , your child may attend basketball with you for free!






We Look Forward to Seeing You Tomorrow

chalkAre you excited for school to start? We sure are! And the PTA has lots of ideas for getting together and celebrating our kids, families and school. Come to one or all — but definitely join us!

TODAY (Wednesday): Let’s cover the playground with messages to welcome back kids and staff tomorrow. Anytime after 3 p.m., head to the school with your sidewalk chalk and write your messages (Go Foxes! We love Schmitz Park! Thank you teachers!) all over the playground asphalt.  (We will also leave some chalk in a box on the buddy bench).

TOMORROW (Thursday):

– Stay for our annual flag ceremony in front of the school at 8:55 a.m. It’s a time-honored tradition, and our last in this building!

– Join the coffee social right afterward in the cafeteria. A great opportunity to connect with other parents and the principal.

– Take those beautiful “first day” photos of your kid(s) and post them on the school’s Facebook page; tell us what your child is excited about!

More events to come, but we wanted to make sure you know about these early ones.


The Schmitz Park PTA Board


Start of School Delayed – Teachers Will Strike

schmitz logo

Alison Aylesworth, Teachers’ Union Representative,
set up a Facebook page to provide details about the strike at our campus. The group is called: Support Schmitz Park Educators

You can find more details on the strike at the sites below:

West Seattle Blog -consider-authorizing-court-action-if-it-happens/

Seattle Education Association

Seattle Public Schools


fox loghouse picfoxloghouse

The Schmitz Park Foxes travelled to the Totem Pole Tuesday evening to explore the Log House Museum operated by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society.  Word in the woods was that Schmitz Park Elementary students make an annual pilgrimage to the Birthplace of Seattle and the fury friends went to see for themselves what draws our community to the recently restored 111 year old building. A group of students met with the foxes at the Totem Pole and shared some local history with the eager fox minds.


fox1It didn’t take a Sign Up Genius to predict that the Fox Family would inhabit the home of Schmitz Park’s Volunteer Coordinator Athena Frederick. William, 2nd grader (…what’s with all the 2nd graders?) found the Foxes early Monday and, in true Schmitz Park form, asked his mom if he could help move the Family to their next destination. Based on William’s choice of Batman Gear, it’s safe to say Mom took him up on his offer. fox2