Royal Court Nominations as of 3/25/14

CrownRoyal Court Nominations:

The competition is heating up, help your child’s cohort (grade level) secure the coveted honor of the Auction Royal Court by making a $5 vote on the VOTE FOR ROYAL COURT via PayPal or by bringing in cash or check to the front office (be sure to put your child’s name and room # on it). The top FUNdraising cohort will win a Popsicle party with masks and beads, as well as send their teachers to the auction in a swanky limo, and kick off the dance party. Get your votes in by April 2nd. 

Royal Court rankings as of March 25th:

  1. Kindergarten: $530 raised, 106 votes, 108 students, 24.8% voter rate, raised 30% of funds
  2. 3rd Grade: $280 raised, 56 votes, 94 students, 19.1% voter rate, raised 19% of funds
  3. 2nd Grade: $270 raised, 54 votes, 99 students, 12.1% voter rate, raised 17% of funds
  4. 1st Grade: $340 raised, 68 votes, 128 students, 16.4% voter rate, raised 16% of funds
  5. 4th Grade: $140 raised, 28 votes, 70 students, 8.6% voter rate, raised 11% of funds
  6. 5th Grade: $80 raised, 16 votes, 73 students, 5.5% voter rate, raised 7% of funds

Rankings are based off of funds raised/total # of students in each cohort (#s equalize among grade levels). For a complete breakdown, click Royal_Court_3-25_Ave-funds_v2.

School wide TOTALS thus far: $1,640 raised, 328 votes, 586 students, 15% voter rate and average spend per voter $18.64 so far. Let’s try to get the participation up to 100% of the school.

We raised $9,000 last year, let’s see if we can beat it and raise $10,000 this year!!!