Join the PTA board–please inquire now!

At the June 2023 membership meeting, the Genesee Hill Elementary PTA will be electing officers for the 2023-2024 PTA year. We need your help to convene a responsive, thoughtful, and community-focused board. If you are interested in joining the board or know someone who would be a great community leader, please submit a nomination or an inquiry form today!

Joining the PTA board is an exciting and interesting way to get involved in our Genesee Hill community. Some good reasons to join the PTA board are:

  • You’ll help build an inclusive and equitable Genesee Hill community 
  • You’ll meet other great moms and dads serving on the board
  • You’ll get to know teachers and the school administrators personally
  • You’ll make a big difference and feel more connected than ever to your Genesee Hill community 

Hesitant about signing up alone? You can partner up with a friend to co-chair any open position!

If you are interested in joining the PTA Board or if you know someone who might be interested, please submit an inquiry form or nomination by April 30, 2023. Submitting a nomination or inquiry isn’t a commitment, it just starts a conversation!

Curious about what each position does? Check out this list of positions and descriptions

Any questions? Your friendly nominating committee is here to help. Contact us anytime: Stephanie Scott at

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