Black Lives Matter at School: Feb 6-10

Black Lives Matter at School is a is a movement championed by educators, students and communities throughout our nation. But did you know that it all started in Seattle in 2016? Genesee Hill is proud to uphold this week of action February 6-10 and you are invited to join!

Opportunities to Engage:

Poster Decorating Event 2/3: Please join us to kick-off Black Lives Matter at School Week by decorating the school with signs of support. Parents and their students will meet after school in the teacher’s lounge on Friday, February 3rd from 2:30-3:30 pm. Please enter the school building through the front doors where signage will direct you to the lounge. This is an opportunity to be in community with one another and elevate the week for our students. We hope you can join us!  

Poster Making at Home: For those who cannot make posters after school, take-home supplies will be available at the end of the day on Friday (2/3) in each grade’s commons area. Students may bring their artwork to the school foyer on Monday morning (2/6) to be displayed.

Virtual Living Room: Check out the updated BLM at School Week Virtual Living Room with a focus on learning around microaggressions. From fun educational resources for kids, to curated resources for adults – there’s something for everyone! Carve out some time each day to dive in with your students.

Wear BLM Gear Friday 2/10: Show your BLM pride by wearing your BLM gear or any black t-shirt to school.

Gathering for Black Families 2/10: Black families are invited to meet up at 6pm on Friday, February 10th at The Good Society. Let’s gather to support each other and our kids. Join us for food, drinks, and connection. This is an affinity event for Black students and their families in West Seattle.

Don’t let the important learning and conversations end here. Let this week serve as an opportunity to inspire ongoing conversations and learning year-round!

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