Direct Give Update and Golden Ticket Winners


Direct Give total $58,000 ($30,000 over our best year). THANK YOU SO MUCH! And with matching funds, we’re at $67,000! This is absolutely amazing! We are so fortunate to be at a school where parents are able to help bridge the funding gap to help ensure our kids get the best education possible. Thank you for your support and keep up the amazing involvement.

Our Golden Ticket “Get Under Before We Get Out” winners are:  Sofia S. (2nd grade), Amelia S. (K), Peter F. (5th grade), Liliana F. (K), Breanna O. (2nd grade), Ryan C. (2nd grade), Issac T. (K), Oscar C. (4th), Jacob M. (2nd), Reid E. (2nd), Bellamy J. (4th), Min H. (3rd), Bert H. (K), Lauren B. (1st), Aiden H. (5th), Parker H. (1st), Rowan G. (K), Jesse L. (3rd), Lucy L. (1st), Nathan M. (4th), Ryan W. (4th), Samantha S. (2nd) and Zoe. W. (1st). Thank you parents and congratulations to the kids!  Parents will receive an email tonight with more information.

One thought on “Direct Give Update and Golden Ticket Winners

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