PastedGraphic-1Harder than pronouncing that headline is coming up with adequate revenues to Fund Basic Education. Why? See attached and consider the following facts:

  1. Washington State funds 55.3% of Seattle Schools General Fund.
  2. Local Levies approved by Seattle voters support general education programs and operations. Levy funds will provide $190.7 million or 25.3% of budgeted resources in 2015-2016, and are the second largest funding source for Seattle Public Schools.
  3. PTA’s raised and funded over $2M worth of support services and resources within their respective schools. Schmitz Park’s PTA Budget for 2015-2016 is $250K, or roughly 10% of the district-wide total.

Stay Informed, Stay Active. Students need a voice in this debate.

2015 Maximum Levy Authority_OPSI_KingCo

2015-2016 Seattle Schools Budget

Show us the money – WA State Budgets 10-14-15

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