April Volunteers of the Month – Julie Forcum and Christine Kraynek

Congratulations to both Christine Kraynek and Julie Forcum – the co-chairs for the Fundraising committee and our Volunteers of the Month.  As the fundraising chairs, the team set out early in September finding creative and meaningful ways for our school to raise funds to meet the needs of our students staff and families.  Both of these incredibly committed volunteers have done so with such an incredibly considerate eye on inclusion,making sure many voices were heard throughout their efforts. And they continue to do so.   Julie is mom to Avery in 2nd grade and Brayden a 5th grader at Fairmount Park. Christine is mom to William in 2nd grade and Samual in 4th grade.   
I reached out to a couple close friends to say a few words and for Julie and Christine to comment on one another. Here is what they told me:   Julie:  I’m not even sure where to start in thanking Julie for all of her time in volunteering.  She pulls all-nighters to organize, rally, count, decorate, research, ask for donations, find volunteers, etc, etc, etc ….  to help facilitate anything that needs to be done. From art projects -to a major fundraisers –  to volunteering in the classroom- to advocating for new legislations, she’s gone WAY above and beyond.  Julie is detail oriented, thoughtful and diligent and has given a 120% of her time and attention to volunteer activities at Genesee. We’re so lucky to have people like Julie giving back to our kids and community – Shellly Freeman Julie is an inspiration!  To say she is busy is an understatement.  She gives so much of herself in ways that many don’t see or recognize.  She came to the fundraising role with fresh new ideas on ways to get involvement during Direct Give with muffin morning, student voting and a principal stunt for reaching our goal.  She even danced on the street corner in the (not so sweet smelling) fox costume to get people excited about giving.   Julie worked tirelessly on the Auction – planning, procuring, printing, picking up items, setting up, wrapping up.  I honestly can’t tell you how many hours she spent over the year and especially the last month, but it was equal to or more than a full time on top of being a mom and working.  She donates time to our school through her role on the PTA Board and her daughter’s 2nd grade classroom AND is also at Fairmount Park doing much of the same for her 5th grade son.  Julie is a superstar and I am personally thrilled she is being recognized with Volunteer of the Month!  Christine Kraynek Christine: I can’t say enough great things about Christine. She was my vice president the year i was president of the PTA. She was ready to roll up her sleeves and get into the nitty-gritty from day one. She found passion with getting to know the bylaws and dove in deep and thoroughly. She got our PTA back up to speed, in compliance, and set up for future streamlining on so many practices with regards to enrichment, board of directors nominations, and other day-to-day business transaction protocols. Christine sees every detail to the end. No stone is left unturned. I imagine this was how she ran the auction this year as well. She is a yes girl and will share her amazing creative talents and energy and wit in a time of need. But she has a strong backbone and principled compass, willing to push back when things need to be steered differently. Kelley O’Connor


Christine gives so much of her time and energy to our school.    She tirelessly steps up to fill her own role as well as whatever needs to be done.   She was also a volunteer at 3 other elementary school auctions to ensure those schools continue feel good about volunteering at our auction!   Her stamina for taking on things on is amazing and she inspires me to be a better community member through her service.  Thank you Christine! You are amazing. – Julie Forcum

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