We want your feedback!

Hi Families! Do you read the blog? What do you want to see in a school website? More photos? More news about programs? More information for community events? Do you go to the different sections of the blog? Or just the main page? Please let us know.

Please leave your comments below in this link. At the very least, just let us know if you do or do not visit this site. Thanks for your input!

5 thoughts on “We want your feedback!

  1. I use the site to look up things I need to know. Calendar dates. Passport maps. Volunteer opportunities. I would like to see more information and photos about what the kids are doing in school: Dance, PE, Recess, Assemblies. Photos if we can do them appropriately without too many faces.

  2. I use the site to look up information, get links to signups and print passport maps. I wish the home page would have more updates on what is happening at the school and in our community.

  3. I come to the blog for further information on something I need to know or I saw a quick thing about in the newsletter.

  4. I use the search feature to find information. I wish we had a more prevalent looking glass thingy to do a good search for info.
    I think the home page, should not be blog, rather a dashboard for info, since new info goes to the top and then gets lost halfway down the page, like this did.

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