September Volunteer of the Month

Congratulations to Michael Busby, our September  Volunteer of the Month.

Our volunteer of the month is Mike Busby.  Mike is our Treasurer on the PTA and is a great example of a volunteer who contributes to our school outside of school hours.  In his role as Assistant Treasurer and now his second year as Treasurer, Mike leads the PTA Finance team in the enormous role tracking our expenditures and keeping us financially responsible.   In addition to the hundreds of hours he spends each year in writing checks, balancing our books, maintaining our non-profit status, and preparing our taxes, he also continuously challenges the PTA to ensure the dollars we spend are true to our mission and our membership created and approved budget.   And yes…this is a volunteer position!

Mike is dad to Aidan (5th Grade) an Ian (2nd Grade).  He has worked at T-Mobile for 8 years in Telecom Product Strategy.  When not at his day job or doing volunteer work for the school, Mike is an avid skier, cyclist and loves camping with his kids and wife, Maureen.

Congratulations and thank you for all of hard work, Mike! Enjoy your dedicated parking spot in front of the school for a month!

Have an idea for our next Volunteer of the Month?  Let us know:

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