Challenges to District’s Math Adoption Decision

Update June 11, 2014:

Superindendent Jose Banda sent a letter to principals strongly encouraging consistent adoption of Math in Focus (read the full letter here). In the letter, he writes:

“Given the short timeframe and the need for consistency in our District, I must ask you to support the adopted Math in Focus program for the fall. We will provide the funding to fully implement the program and also ensure aligned professional development.”

We will know its effect soon, as yesterday was the deadline for schools to submit waiver requests.

Original post June 7, 2014:

Although the School Board, the highest decision-makers at Seattle Public Schools, voted last week to adopt Math in Focus, there are indicators that there may be moves afoot within the district to undermine that policy decision, according to post at Seattle Schools Community Forum: Seattle Schools’ Own Math War.

Author Melissa Westbrook reports on a conversation she had with Superintendent Jose Banda, which leads her to suspect rapid developments as schools need to decide quickly whether to apply for a waiver if they prefer alternative curricula to Math in Focus.

This would be a good time for Schmitz Park PTA members to contact friends at other schools to be sure they understand the benefits of Singapore Math and to ask their principals for information about the school’s plans.

Stay tuned for further developments.

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