Make a difference: Support our Direct Give campaign

Our direct give campaign was planned to be our primary fundraising activity for the year. We still plan to have a large community event in the spring (similar to the annual auction), but the event will have a smaller, targeted focus on fundraising this year because we have a significant amount in reserves/cash.

Please follow this link for the option of a one-time gift or to set up a monthly recurring pledge. Please also share it with family and friends who might be interested in supporting our school. Grandparents, colleagues, alumni and neighbors have all given to Genesee Hill in the past.  Remember corporate matching may also be an option for you – check with your employer.

Our goal for this campaign is to raise $25,000. That’s roughly $50/kid/year or $5/month. Please support us however you can! We’ve got this, fantastic foxes!

The Genesee Hill PTA budget funds:

The programs the PTA funds come through the generosity of this community, and every family and student at Genesee Hill benefits from them. Our school is a special place and we want to continue to support these programs at the level they are offered today. The PTA budget funds:

Thank you for your generous support!

~ Jenilee Finley & Heather Thimsen, Fundraising Chairs

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