October Volunteer of the Month – Chau Pho Tung

If you visit the school during the day, it’s quite likely you will run into Chau Pho Tung – this months Volunteer of the Month. Chau is the mom of 4th grader Ambrose and a 9th grade daughter at WSHS  


She is a room parent, our wonderful enrichment coordinator, and engages in an incredibly cheerful and welcoming manner as she brings fresh ideas and enthusiasm to our school.  

I’ve known Chau since my son was in kindergarten and she’s has served first as a welcoming presence, helping me learn and navigate our large school and then as an ongoing resource and wealth of knowledge and information, which she shares freely in an effort to help others around her.  


I love volunteering at Genesee Hill because I really enjoy getting to know all the students and staff.  My children have both directly benefitted from the efforts of countless volunteers (both at Schmitz Park and Genesee Hill) so I feel fortunate to have the opportunity do my part to “pay it forward” to make Genesee Hill an amazing place to learn for years to come!

Chau is not afraid to get her hands dirty, as she is regularly showing up at our many school events like Monster Mash, Math night, Unity Night and more to help all of our school-wide community events to be successful.   We are so lucky to have such a powerful and pleasant individual helping to make our school great . Congratulations Chau!  

Please enjoy the special parking spot all month long. 

Do  you have an idea for a volunteer of the month? Let me know: volunteers@geneseehillpta.org


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