January Volunteer of the Month

Congratulations to Noirin Lynch, our January Volunteer of the Month.

Noirin has been such a helpful volunteer at school.  We are so thankful to her contributions here at Genesee Hill.  When asked to comment on her contributions to our school, here’s what just a handful of folks had to say:

“Noirin is amazing! She is always available and willing to go above and beyond whenever I’ve asked her for help. Noirin gives up her time to come and help in the classroom and also comes in each week and supports the art teacher during our art lessons. Noirin has come in and done amazing art projects with the class not only donating her time, but supplies too. She also will make and donate games that she has made that support the curriculum. She is thoughtful, kind and the kids and I are lucky to have her!”
Mrs. Marroquin
“Noirin didn’t hesitate for a moment when I asked if she could help coordinate the flag ceremony for our November assembly.  She worked directly with her daughter’s Girl Scout troop and the group leader for Boy Scouts.  Because of her efforts, the flag ceremony went off without a hitch.” Mr Della Pella

She teaches Genius Hour – Kitchen Chemistry for 1st grade

She organizes the lost and found/coat donation for the office

She’s room parent for Ms. Williams (3rd grader – Akemi Sheibley is her daughter) this year

Last year, she was room parent for Ms Henderson (Kinder – Quinn Sheibley) and Ms Fraizer (2nd grader – Akemi)

She’s also on the Cohort Coordinator Team for 3rd grade this year,  2nd grade last year

Staff Appreciation Week help and coordination

She leads a girl scout troop

Wow – that’s alot of hard work and dedication. Thanks Noirin

Congratulations and thank you for all of hard work, Noirin! Enjoy your dedicated parking spot in front of the school for a month!


Have an idea for our next Volunteer of the Month?  Let us know:   volunteers@geneseehillpta.org

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