2017 Red Carpet Gala & Auction – Cohort Packages

As we get ready for the biggest party of the year and the well-deserved celebration of our community, the Auction Committee needs your help!

Cohort packages you can get excited about

Every year, the cohorts raise money to seed a package for the live auction. This year’s packages are below, followed by their corresponding PayPal link :

  • Kinder: Great Wolf Lodge – Donate
  • 1st Grade: SIFF Red Carpet Experience – Donate
    (SIFF is the Seattle International Film Festival)
  • 2nd Grade: Seabrook Cottage – Donate
  • 3rd Grade: Vegas Weekend – Donate
  • 4th Grade: Instant Wine Cellar – Donate
  • 5th Grade: Raffle Cash Prize – Donate

Which Cohort will rally the biggest support this year?

Teachers: The Real Stars of the Show

I think everyone would agree that at the center of our success is our teachers and staff. Among the ways that we thank them for their commitment is to cover the cost of their tickets to this event. This year, money raised to support the cohort packages will also go towards covering the cost of staff tickets.

Success = Participation

If going to the auction isn’t your thing, donating toward the cohort package is a another way to contribute to our biggest fundraiser of the year. An average of $10 for each of their student will raise enough money to make a real difference for our community. If your situation allows you to help a little more, please know that your donation empowers to the PTA to make every child’s educational experience better!


The secret to our success has always been our people, but it’s not really a secret. It’s our parents, educators and everyone else who comes together to make our school great. This year, we have intentionally shifted the focus to more party, and a little less auction. We will succeed with our fundraising goal by having more people there enjoying each other’s company. Tickets are still available here: Tickets

Donate an Item to the Auction

Do you or your business or someone you know have a valuable item to contribute to the auction? We are still in need of a few more things and would love to hear from you! Please email procurement@geneseehillpta.org or enter the item here: Donate an Item

Thank you!

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