Later Pick-Up Time? Use the Afternoon Study Club

This year, classes will be dismissed at 2:05pm, 40 minutes earlier than last year.

To serve families who need a later pick-up time after school, we are considering offering an Afternoon Study Club during the first two weeks of school – just until Enrichment classes begin on September 26.

If there is enough demand, the Study Club would continue year round. We have tentative staff available for this, and now need to know the interest.

Study Club would start September 12th and run from 2:15 to 3:45 PM. It would run through the year, possibly including Fridays when there are not other Enrichment classes. The cost would be $10 to $20 per day depending on enrollment.

If you are interested, please let us know soon by completing a brief pre-registration form here.

If you are interested in helping to staff this Study Club throughout the year (as a paid position), or would be interested in volunteering once a week in exchange for free coverage for your child on other days, please email Chau Pho Tung at

We would love to make the Afternoon Study Club a reality – please let us know if you are interested as soon as possible!

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