Kids Not Cuts

Microsoft Word – Executive CommitteKidsNotCutse Meet.docx (1)

Passionate about the recent cuts at your school (or last year’s)?

Join #KidsNotCuts advocates at Seattle School Board’s Executive

Committee meeting of the Whole Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 14th at 4:15 pm John Stanford (JSCEE)

2445 3rd Ave S (at Lander St), Seattle, WA 98134

Important Specifics: Meeting is a specially scheduled public meeting of the Executive Committee. The agenda reflects they will talk about the City’s pre-k program as well as the relationship with the Alliance for Education.

Before the meeting starts at 4:30pm, the KidsNotCuts group will make a request that the Board take 10 minutes to discuss the situation with the staffing cuts and will ask the Board to then take a vote to ask the Superintendent to suspend these cuts. The group will remain until the issue is addressed.

The group specifically requests :

1) Full stop to teacher cuts currently underway in the district now and by future policy.

2) Transparency and partnership in moving forward with and communicating about the cuts. With PTAs putting substantially over 3 million dollars towards school budgets we deserve a seat at the table and a clear explanation of projected savings.

Key Issues :

1) Teacher cuts betray lower class size. Governor Inslee allocated budget to lower class size across WA, now we have K-3 classes up to 28 and 29. What happened?

2) Proposed cuts disproportionately affect students w/highest needs (ELL, SPED, FRL).

3) The disruption to over 12,000 students at the thirty-two schools impacted is unacceptable without substantial rationale, community engagement & transparency.

Questions contact Melissa Westbrook or Chandra Hampson

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