This is our last planned meeting of the school year and we need your vote!

Please join us at 6:30pm and lend your voice to some HOT topics including:

  • Help vote in the proposed budget for the 2014/2015 school year.
  • District math adoption: What is the difference between enVision (recommended by the committee for District-wide adoption) and Math in Focus (a newer, Singapore-based text)?  Hear from teachers and parents of Schmitz Park children who have benefited from the Singapore Math model.
  • What is the best way to keep Singapore Math at our school when the district has recommended enVision for all Seattle schools?
  • Help nominate next year’s board…we are looking for interested candidates for the following positions: Vice President, Assistant Treasurer, Legislative Chair, and Volunteer Coordinator.

FREE Childcare will be provided in the gym to school age children

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