Give Back Campaign Gains Momentum

Schmitz Park PTA President, Jeff Rayner, recently spoke with the West Seattle Blog on our PTA objectives for shopping locally this year, and explained how the Give Back Campaign is helping to make that objective a reality. An excerpt from the article:

Jeff Rayner, Schmitz Park PTA PresidentThat’s why Schmitz Park has started a new program called “Give Back”.  The purpose of Give Back is simple — support the businesses through organized patronage. They don’t need to lift a finger except to ring the cash register. Schmitz Park has more than 600 students, which means there are more than 1200 parents we can mobilize.

In December, our goal is to shop at as many local stores as we can. In January, we’ll patronize health and fitness businesses in honor of New Year’s resolutions. Every month will bring one or more themes.

If these businesses support our school down the road — great. If not, others will. What goes around comes around. The stronger West Seattle businesses, the stronger West Seattle schools.

Check out the full article here.